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Drinking Alcohol Good for Older People

The health benefits of drinking alcohol may be underestimated in older adults.

Another Organization Says Alcohol Is Never Healthy

Recommendations on alcohol go back and forth. We’ve been told for decades that a glass of wine can do the heart good. But The Heart Foundation of New Zealand is the latest organization to say otherwise.

New Study Says Alcohol Impacts Blood Sugar

For people with blood sugar concerns, alcohol may impact their body differently than another person. That’s especially true if they drink on an empty stomach or take medication to help blood sugar.

A Little Alcohol May Aid Brain with Mediterranean Diet

Research that looked at the same participants over a 30-year period found that people who followed the Mediterranean or the APDQS diet were less likely to have any signs of cognitive decline in middle age than people following DASH.

Five Alcoholic Drinks a Week Will Age You

New research has found that five glass of wine or eight pints of beer a week ages the DNA. That, in turn, can lead to age-related illnesses and some cancers.

Sober Months Help Any Time of the Year

Everyone has heard of Dry January. Recently there has been a push for Sober October. People are reevaluating their relationship with alcohol and seem to be testing their limits of sobriety.

Alcohol Harms Young People May Help Heart, Blood Sugar in Older People

We hear so many studies about how alcohol aids health that it’s easy to think it’s universally true. But, according to a new study, no amount of alcohol should be considered healthy for people under the age of 40.

Not Ready for Dry January? Have a Try January

If you aren't ready to commit to a Dry January, have a Try January and cut back instead. Opt for a spritzer over a glass of wine, and suggest a coffee date instead of going out for drinks. Try new things this January!

Americans Are Drinking More and Should Cut Back

A new poll shows that adults over 30 have increased their alcohol intake by 14 percent. Doctors are concerned about the damage that excessive drinking does to the immune system and our overall health and want people to cutback.

Giving Up Drinking, Even in Moderation, May Aid Health

One in five Americans takes part in Dry January—a pledge to go booze-free after the excesses of the holidays. Giving up alcohol can aid weight loss, take stress off your liver, help your heart and aid cognition and memory.

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