Maltodextrin isn’t technically a sugar; it is a carb. But, while table sugar has a GI of 65, maltodextrin has a GI between 116 and 136. Most of us don't realize how many foods use it as an ingredient.
Influencers are promoting medical tests like full-body MRI scans, genetic tests for cancer, blood tests for testosterone levels and more. The promotions are misleading and potentially dangerous.
Whether or not you’re giving up anything for Lent, you will love these Mardi Gras recipes. They are also healthier and lower in carbs and fat than what you will find in New Orleans!
A study found that continuous glucose monitors may not be accurate for people without blood sugar concerns but didn't check how accurate they are for people they were designed for.
When you have a New Year’s resolution, it can feel like you are racing to the finish line. Making a new month resolution is more like a banal to-do list that is much more achievable.
Adding pumpkin spice to black tea creates a flavorful drink without adding calories or sugar. Black tea can aid blood sugar while the spices contain antioxidants and boost digestive health.
New research suggests that eating a daily orange could lower the risk of depression by 20 percent. Researchers found that citrus fruit appeared to increase both serotonin and dopamine.
You don’t need cream to have a creamy chocolate dessert. We're sharing four wonderful creamy, low-carb vegan chocolate desserts you'll be thrilled to try!
Turning off the internet on phones for two weeks improved people’s mental health more than antidepressants. It improved attention span as though the people’s brains were de-aged by ten years.
Research has repeatedly proven that dance is effective as exercise. New research shows 20 minutes of kitchen dancing is the same as a visit to the gym or a jog.
Fingernails can show your biological age and give clues as to how long you will live. The speed of nail growth and the appearance of fingernails can reveal a lot about a person's health.
A new study found might be worth adding elderberries as a supplement or drink to your diet. They may regulate blood sugar, improve the microbiome and increase fat burn.
Boneless chicken breast is America’s most commonly consumed form of protein. We all fall into ruts and make the same recipes again and again. So, we’re sharing four great low-carb chicken breast recipes.
While people make fun of Prop 65 signs, the law has had a meaningful, beneficial impact. Manufacturers have quietly changed their products nationally to remove 900 cancerous chemicals.
When Dianne Whelan started hiking the Trans Canada Trail, she had little experience. She’s the first person to finish it. She initially thought the hike would take 500 days; it actually took six years.
Cleanses go in and out of vogue all the time. Steer clear of the vegetable and fruit juice-only diet that is so popular right now. It causes shifts in a person’s oral and gut bacteria in just three days.
A later breakfast may be best for blood sugar. In a randomized six-week study, people who ate at 9:30 or noon had lower post-meal blood sugar than those who ate at 7.
The problem with cheesy dishes is that they often go hand-in-hand with carbs and high levels of fat. So, we are sharing four wonderful, low-carb, healthier cheesy side dish recipes!
New research has found that camembert may boost a protein in the body that preserves memory and brain function. That could prevent dementia.
We like to think we could live forever with the right diet and exercise. However, experts have found the maximum human lifespan. It’s shorter than you might think.