The national parks had 331.9 million visits last year. That is a record high. And 28 parks had new attendance records. But, an internal National Park Service memo said not to publicize the news.
When Dianne Whelan started hiking the Trans Canada Trail, she had little experience. She’s the first person to finish it. She initially thought the hike would take 500 days; it actually took six years.
We love exercising outdoors. Getting outdoors and getting plenty of light can benefit mood. However, you have to be safe about it. And it's not possible under some circumstances.
You can find treasures while hiking. It could be an artifact, a millionaire's hidden treasure, a lost wallet or a sight you've never seen before. It's waiting for you if you search for it for it.
It’s hard to believe that 152 years after Yosemite opened, new national parks are being founded. But we’re a country that loves our public lands! Right now is a great time to visit the newer parks.
A shocking news story has shown that one piece of trash can have massive consequences. A single bag of Cheetos dramatically impacted the ecosystem of Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
People complain that national parks are too crowded. State parks, on the other hand, are quieter. They don’t require reservations, they are less expensive and beautiful.
While we love free souvenirs, one thing you can’t take home with you is anything natural from public land. Picking flowers on public land can be a federal offense with a hefty fine.
The bite of an aggressive invasive tick can cause you to develop an allergy to meat. Most of us know to be concerned about Lyme disease caused by ticks. But Lone Star ticks are more likely to bite.
National parks are popular vacation spots. If you want solitude along with nature, a new ranking will offer you guidance! The grades were based on how quiet the park is, along with other factors.
An inspiring story from Vietnam has highlighted the fun and uplifting hobby of plaking. It's an excellent way to be outside and help your community!
Summers are a time to take once-in-a-lifetime trips to get outdoors and hike beautiful trails. But, the National Parks wants to stress the importance of safety as temperatures soar.
Using humor can be the best way to convey a message. That’s why the NPS posted, “Believe in yourself like visitors who believe they can pet a bison,” in a post about safety tips for avoiding wildlife.
If you want to burn calories, you probably try to optimize your walk. Simply switching up the cadence of your stride could boost your metabolism.
For many people, allergy season can put a stop to exercising outdoors. But if you love getting outside, there are ways to make your life easier!
Hunting is a great source of nutrition and exercise. But recently, two men died after eating meat from deer with chronic wasting disease — also known as “zombie deer disease.”
Earth Day is coming up this Monday. It’s a wonderful time to get out into your community and meet your neighbors! There are activities outdoors and inside that let you join the fun!
Spring hasn’t officially begun, but a mild winter kicked off allergy season early. Almost a quarter of the country has higher than usual pollen counts. But you can take care of yourself.
Three scary headlines surfaced in the world of hiking news this week. Going out into nature can be dangerous and hiking with company may be safer.
Some national parks are more popular and more expensive than others. But some underrated free parks are very similar to the most popular, most expensive parks.