Get Out There

Get Out There
Best Time to Visit Newer National Parks

It’s hard to believe that 152 years after Yosemite opened, new national parks are being founded. But we’re a country that loves our public lands! Right now is a great time to visit the newer parks.

October 4, 2024
Get Out There
Bag of Cheetos Shows Impact of Litter in Parks

A shocking news story has shown that one piece of trash can have massive consequences. A single bag of Cheetos dramatically impacted the ecosystem of Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

September 27, 2024
Get Out There
Head to a State Park for More Fun

People complain that national parks are too crowded. State parks, on the other hand, are quieter. They don’t require reservations, they are less expensive and beautiful.

September 20, 2024
Get Out There
Don’t Gather Ye Rosebuds

While we love free souvenirs, one thing you can’t take home with you is anything natural from public land. Picking flowers on public land can be a federal offense with a hefty fine.

August 16, 2024
Get Out There
Invasive Tick Can Cause Meat Allergy

The bite of an aggressive invasive tick can cause you to develop an allergy to meat. Most of us know to be concerned about Lyme disease caused by ticks. But Lone Star ticks are more likely to bite.

August 9, 2024
Get Out There
National Park Ranking Places Lesser-known Park at Top

National parks are popular vacation spots. If you want solitude along with nature, a new ranking will offer you guidance! The grades were based on how quiet the park is, along with other factors.

July 26, 2024
Get Out There
Try Plaking This Weekend

An inspiring story from Vietnam has highlighted the fun and uplifting hobby of plaking. It's an excellent way to be outside and help your community!

July 19, 2024
Get Out There
NPS Has Advice for Hiking in Heat Waves

Summers are a time to take once-in-a-lifetime trips to get outdoors and hike beautiful trails. But, the National Parks wants to stress the importance of safety as temperatures soar.

July 12, 2024
Get Out There
National Parks Use Humor to Send Serious Message

Using humor can be the best way to convey a message. That’s why the NPS posted, “Believe in yourself like visitors who believe they can pet a bison,” in a post about safety tips for avoiding wildlife.

July 5, 2024
Get Out There
Changing Your Stride Can Burn More Calories

If you want to burn calories, you probably try to optimize your walk. Simply switching up the cadence of your stride could boost your metabolism.

June 28, 2024
Get Out There
How to Exercise During Allergy Season

For many people, allergy season can put a stop to exercising outdoors. But if you love getting outside, there are ways to make your life easier!

May 3, 2024
Get Out There
Hunters Die from Zombie Deer Disease

Hunting is a great source of nutrition and exercise. But recently, two men died after eating meat from deer with chronic wasting disease — also known as “zombie deer disease.”

April 26, 2024
Get Out There
Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day is coming up this Monday. It’s a wonderful time to get out into your community and meet your neighbors! There are activities outdoors and inside that let you join the fun!

April 19, 2024
Get Out There
Allergy Season Is Early, But You Can Help Yourself

Spring hasn’t officially begun, but a mild winter kicked off allergy season early. Almost a quarter of the country has higher than usual pollen counts. But you can take care of yourself.

March 15, 2024
Get Out There
Shocking Headlines Underscore Importance of Hiking Buddies

Three scary headlines surfaced in the world of hiking news this week. Going out into nature can be dangerous and hiking with company may be safer.

February 16, 2024
Get Out There
Free Alternatives to the Expensive, Crowded Parks

Some national parks are more popular and more expensive than others. But some underrated free parks are very similar to the most popular, most expensive parks.

February 9, 2024
Get Out There
Legislation Aims to Help Landowners Relax About Visitors

A lawsuit over a bike injury made Coloradan landowners reluctant to let people on their grounds. A coalition of outdoors groups, landowners and politicians aims to change the law around responsibility.

January 26, 2024
Get Out There
Air Quality May Be Worse Inside Your House

A global survey used data from more than 2.5 million air filters. Eighty-five percent of the countries studied had worse air quality inside than out for six months a year and January was the worst.

January 12, 2024
Get Out There
Pierce Brosnan Facing Jail Time for Yellowstone Antics

While on vacation in Yellowstone, Pierce Brosnan, who is famous for playing James Bond, allegedly left the path and walked onto the thermal grounds. As it's a crime, he now faces jail time.

January 5, 2024
Get Out There
Prep Food for Camping on Freezing Days

If it is too cold to go out, you can plan for when you will head back out to hike and camp again! By dehydrating food at home, you can save money and have delicious food on the trails!

December 21, 2023
Get Out There
Mark Your Calander for Free National Parks Days

Most national parks are free every day. But, the ones that charge an entrance fee can be pricey. The National Park Service have announced six free days in 2024. So plan your trip now!

December 15, 2023
Get Out There
Reservations Coming Back to Parks

Three national parks are bringing back reservations with timed entry tickets. Arches National Park, Glacier National Park and Rocky Mountain National Park will all require reservations in the spring.

December 1, 2023
Get Out There
Pollution May Impact Blood Sugar

A study from India examined air pollution as a possible factor in blood sugar concerns. Tiny particles can be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause many health problems.

November 17, 2023
Get Out There
Reasons Not to Thru-hike

Lots of people dream of hiking famous trails end-to-end. It’s become a romanticized bucket list ambition that many novels and memoirs have been written about. But the reality is different.

November 10, 2023
Get Out There
Love Locks Are a Romantic Hazard

Love locks are a modern phenomena that have caused problems all around the world. Now, the practice has come to America’s national parks. Rangers at the Grand Canyon are trying to protect the wildlife.

November 3, 2023
Get Out There
Natural Light Aids Blood Sugar

Researchers say that spending more time outside can aid blood sugar levels. Metabolism and insulin resistance are both linked to a body’s internal clock. Daylight can, essentially, keep that clock ticking at the right speed.

October 27, 2023
Get Out There
Prepare for Bears While Hiking

Once you head into nature, there are animals all around you. But, in fall, bears are more of a danger than in other seasons. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to prepare yourself.

October 20, 2023
Get Out There
Hundreds Sick After Race

Races can be fun and leave you with a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, many have walked away from a Tough Mudder race with bad memories. At least 350 people reported illnesses after an event.

September 15, 2023
Get Out There
Recover from Hikes Faster

Regardless of what steps you take, you will probably have delayed onset muscle soreness after a hike. But you will recover faster by taking care of yourself before, during and after your hike.

September 1, 2023
Get Out There
Picking the Best, Safest Sunscreen

Some sunscreens might not be as healthy as you would expect. Chemicals in sunscreen may carry health risks. But there are trustworthy brands and tips you can use to spot the best ones.

August 25, 2023
Get Out There
Bison Gore Woman Attempting to Avoid Them

A woman and man walking through the park said a pair of bison in a field and immediately turned and walked away. However, the two animals charged and gored the 47-year-old woman.

August 11, 2023
Get Out There
Indoor Gardening Can Keep Your Home Green and You Cool

If it’s too hot out for you, you can bring the outside world indoors! Indoor gardening isn't just for winter. It’s a year-round hobby that lets you make your home greener and healthier.

July 21, 2023
Get Out There
Tie-dyeing Can Be Done Indoors or Outside

Tie-dyeing is fun for people of all ages! If you are outside, you don't have to worry about the mess. But if it's hot and you're stuck inside, you can take steps and make it an indoor activity.

July 14, 2023
Get Out There
Tricks to Staying Cool

A couple of years ago, we shared tips for staying cool without air conditioning. They’re great tips. But, as the summer heat just won’t quit, we wanted to add more we have learned recently.

July 10, 2023
Get Out There
Blood Sugar Concerns Make Hot Weather Risky

For people with blood sugar concerns, hot weather can be more than just irritating. Heat can change blood sugar levels rapidly. It’s essential to keep an eye on blood sugar numbers on hot days.

July 7, 2023
Get Out There
Best Soaps to Repel Mosquitos

You’ve heard the advice about covering up and wearing bug spray before. But did you know that prevention can start in the shower? Certain soaps make you more attractive or less to mosquitos.

June 30, 2023
Get Out There
Weeding Is Exercise

Weeding your garden is a great workout. When you weed, you are stretching all sorts of muscles. You lean, stretch, squat and kneel. You burn through a lot of calories as you make your yard beautiful!

June 23, 2023
Get Out There
Advice for Fire Season from Californians

The Northeast has been dealing with fires for the last couple of weeks. Fire season isn’t in their wheelhouse. As a Californian company that deals with this every year, we feel we should share some tips.

June 16, 2023
Get Out There
Parks are Ready for the Summer Season

Almost 312 million people visited national parks last year! The busy parks are ready for visitors. Popular spots start getting ready for spring and summer visitors during the winter.

June 9, 2023
Get Out There
Shenandoah National Park Gains 1,000 Acres

Shenandoah National Park recently celebrated the addition of 1,000 acres of land. The land was bought from three families and is one of the largest expansions to the park in recent history.

June 2, 2023
Get Out There
Hikers Rescued with iPhone Feature

A group of 10 hikers, aged 16 to 18, got stuck when they were unprepared for a hike. While they were under-dressed and didn't have enough water, they did have a phone with an app that rescued them.

May 26, 2023
Get Out There
Exercising Outdoors Is Better for You

A study on the neurological effects of outdoor exercise found that a short walk outdoors improved memory and concentration significantly more than the same indoor walk.

May 12, 2023
Get Out There
Fun Outdoor Crafts for Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo. You should enjoy the nice weather this weekend and invite people over for a party. Here are three inexpensive Mexican crafts that would be perfect to make outside!

May 5, 2023
Get Out There
Picnicking Is Good for Health

We’re at the perfect time of year when it’s not too hot or too cold. It’s also not too buggy yet, and the absolute perfect weather for picnicking. Picnicking is good for your mental and physical health.

April 28, 2023
Get Out There
How to Practice Gökotta

We love words from other languages that can’t be easily translated, especially when they are about health and wellness. We are looking at gökotta — the Swedish practice of getting up early to listen to birdsong.

April 21, 2023
Get Out There
Reasons Not to Buy an Outdoor TV

An outdoor TV is expensive. But, more than the monetary cost, there is a quality of life cost. Having a TV in your yard takes away from what your yard is meant to be: a gateway into nature. And they can take a toll on your health.

April 7, 2023
Get Out There
Where to See Wildflowers

Wildflowers are already in full bloom in many parts of the country. National Weed Appreciation Day was earlier this week. You should get out and see them in a park near you.

March 31, 2023
Get Out There
How to Enjoy Being Outdoors in the Rain

You may be inclined to catch up on the latest TV when it’s gray and wet outdoors. But getting outside and getting moving is essential for staying healthy. So we have tips for enjoying rainy days.

March 24, 2023
Get Out There
Country Bans Hiking Alone

Years ago, we went on record as being against solo hikes. It can be dangerous. The country of Nepal agrees with us. As of April first, hiking in Nepal’s national parks without a guide will be illegal.

March 17, 2023
Get Out There
Florida K-9 Catches Rare Flower Thieves

Two Florida teens have been accused of illegally harvesting dozens of plants in Fakahatchee Strand State Park. Their crop included the rare ghost orchid. A K-9 alerted to the smell of heavy vegetation on the teens.

March 10, 2023
Get Out There
Best Parks for Stargazing

When was the last time you went stargazing? About 80 percent of people in North America can’t see the Milky Way from their homes. Visiting an International Dark Sky Park lets you enjoy the national parks in a different way and see gorgeous sights!

March 3, 2023
Get Out There
Visit Yosemite Soon to See Firefall

You should hurry over to Yosemite by the end of the month to see the incredible “firefall.” For a few weeks a year, the sunset’s light hits the water of the Horsetail Falls at the exact angle to make it look like lava is flowing down the cliff face of El Capitan.

February 17, 2023
Get Out There
Green Space May Lower Need for Some Medications

A new study found that people in cities who spent time in parks, gardens or other green spaces were less likely to need medication for depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety or asthma.

February 10, 2023
Get Out There
Nature May Protect Against Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s

A new massive review of medical records from Medicare has shown that spending time in nature may lower the risk of hospitalization for Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s.

February 3, 2023
Get Out There
Make a Bird Feeder to Draw Nature to You

Whether it’s too cold or too wet to get outside, you can still enjoy nature by placing bird feeders in your yard. And you don’t have to buy a fancy one. A homemade bird feeder will attract wildlife.

January 20, 2023
Get Out There
Winter Hiking Tips from the National Park Service

In winter, hiking can pose dangers. It comes with a different set of challenges you have to prepare for. The National Park Service wants people to be safe when visiting this season. So, they have tips.

January 13, 2023
Get Out There
Avoid Injury While Playing in the Snow

It’s a time for winter sports. But, there are hidden dangers to playing in the snow. You have to take precautions to have fun outdoors. A few safety tips will help you make memories instead of trips to the ER!

December 16, 2022
Get Out There
Visit a Botanical Garden this Winter

This winter, head to a botanical garden. They are open and are decorated for the holidays with gorgeous displays and sculptures.

December 9, 2022
Get Out There
Be Safe Hiking During Hunting Season

We’ve spoken in the past about the health benefits of hunting. The problem with hunting is the safety concern for folks out walking and hiking. But steps can be taken to make everyone safer.

November 18, 2022
Get Out There
Stop Licking Toads, Says National Park Service

The National Park Service has asked visitors to please stop licking the Sonoran Desert toad. Licking it provides a psychedelic effect because it secretes a potent toxin.

November 11, 2022
Get Out There
Plastic Makes up 81 Percent of Trash in National Parks

A new analysis looked at trash in the parks to see what people throw away. It focused on garbage picked up by volunteers in 44 spots within the parks between July and September. Plastic made up 81 percent of the trash.

November 4, 2022
Get Out There
Last Minute Halloween Safety Tips

People go all out decorating for Halloween. They look wonderful! But 3,200 Halloween-related injuries are treated at hospitals annually, and Halloween decorations caused 770 house fires between 2014 and 2019. It's essential to be safe this year!

October 28, 2022
Get Out There
Hiking Shoes vs. Boots: What’s Better for You?

The differences between hiking shoes and hiking boots aren’t simply a seasonal choice. Today, we’re looking at hiking shoes and hiking boots to help you decide which one is right for you.

October 21, 2022
Get Out There
Most National Parks End Reservations

The national park reservation system that people called complicated has ended in most parks. Now that the busy summer season has finished, the parks are easing their restrictions.

October 14, 2022
Get Out There
Yardwork Safety Tips Help You Enjoy Fall Clean-up

People don’t think about hurting themselves around their homes. When it’s a task like yardwork, it can seem routine. However, fall yardwork should come with some safety tips.

October 7, 2022
Get Out There
Enjoy Exercising Outdoors During the Fall

It’s been a while since many of us exercised outside. Exercising outdoors requires a few steps to be safe and enjoyable. But it’s more fun than working out inside.

September 30, 2022
Get Out There
See Fall Foliage for Free this Weekend

The beautiful fall foliage is here. In celebration of National Public Lands Day, all NPS sites are free this Saturday. The best park for leaf peeping is Acadia. It usually has a fee, so check it out now.

September 23, 2022
Get Out There
Melting Roads in Yellowstone Are Not a Sign of the Apocalypse

In 2014, a major road in Yellowstone had to be closed when the asphalt softened, and oil raised to the top. Since then people have claimed roads melting in the park are precursors to an apocalyptic volcanic event.

September 16, 2022
Get Out There
Go Hike the Long Trail

While many people are hiking the Appalachian Trail these days, fewer are traversing the Long Trail. It’s a 272-mile route that follows the crest of the Green Mountains from Massachusetts to Canada.

September 9, 2022
Get Out There
How to Have a Fun, Safe Labor Day

From health, to food, to heat, to travel to recreational activities, there’re a lot of ways a fun day can turn dangerous. With that in mind, here are a few tips to have a fun, safe Labor Day!

September 2, 2022
Get Out There
National Parks Get Much Needed Funding

The massive climate bill that just passed will help the national parks. The bill includes over a billion dollars for the park to aid staffing, maintenance and shore up their climate change resistance.

August 26, 2022
Get Out There
Save Yourself a Headache and Get Rid of Your Lawn

Do you hate mowing your lawn? Is it killing your water bill? Do drought rules mean you can’t water it, and it dies every summer? Get rid of it. You can enjoy your outdoor space more without a lawn.

August 19, 2022
Get Out There
Three Die in Three Days in Glacier National Park

It’s not always a walk in the park when people go for, well, a walk in the national parks. Three hiking deaths occurred in Glacier National Park in three days.

August 5, 2022
Get Out There
Recognizing the Signs of Heatstroke

We usually urge you to get outside on Fridays. But parts of the country are sweltering. Heatstroke can lead to death, so it’s essential to avoid it and recognize the symptoms to get help fast.

July 29, 2022
Get Out There
How to Hike with Your Dog in Summer

At this time of year, people want to go walking and hiking with their dogs. There are some steps you must take and gear you have to bring to make sure your furry friend is safe and has fun.

July 22, 2022
Get Out There
Yellowstone’s Flood, Yosemite’s Fire Highlight Threats to Parks

Getting out into the national parks is worth it. But unpredictable weather and fires are becoming more regular. Yellowstone's flood and Yosemite's fire are the most recent but not the first.

July 15, 2022
Get Out There
Artist-in-residence Makes Beautiful Quilts at National Park

The National Park Service hosts artists through 50 residencies nationwide. Accommodations range from remote cabins to modern studios. Nancy Hershberger, an artist-in-residence, makes art quilts of views from national parks.

July 8, 2022
Get Out There
Reality TV Show Leads Inexperienced Hikers into Serious Danger

The Echo Canyon Trail on Camelback Mountain is one of the hardest hikes in Phoenix, AZ. Eight people shooting a reality TV show climbed it with “no idea” and had to be rescued — five of them needing to be removed by helicopter.

July 1, 2022
Get Out There
Yellowstone Has Partially Reopened

Yellowstone had to close after terrible flooding. Now the southern part of the park has partially reopened, but there are things visitors should know before heading to the park.

June 24, 2022
Get Out There
National Parks Phasing Out Plastic

There’s good news for those who love the environment and bad news for those who tend to forget the water bottles at home. The National Parks are phasing out single-use plastic by 2032.

June 17, 2022
Get Out There
Top Tips to Ward Off Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are unwelcome company that make yards less pleasant! Here are ways to make your yard less friendly for mosquitoes while remaining a wonderful space to enjoy.

June 10, 2022
Get Out There
How to Use Sunscreen Better than You Do

Most of us don’t use sunscreen as well as we should and aren’t getting the sun protection we expect. In a survey of 1,000 adults in the U.S., 62 percent rated themselves as “excellent” at sun protection. But, their answers show otherwise.

June 6, 2022
Get Out There
Three-day Weekends May Help Stress More than Vacations

This three-day weekend you should take the opportunity to relax, unplug and stop thinking about your problems. It can be even more beneficial for your health than a longer vacation.

May 27, 2022
Get Out There
Visit a Superfund Site

The EPA’s Superfund program cleans up some of the most contaminated lands in the country. When they open to the public, they are gorgeous, safe parks meant to be enjoyed by everyone. You should go to one in your area!

May 6, 2022
Get Out There
National Parks Struggle to Balance Fun and Conservation

It's a challenge to balance the national parks’ conservation efforts and people’s ability to enjoy them. For instance, because of wildfire risks, the National Park Service will not be allowing fireworks on July 4th over Mount Rushmore.

April 29, 2022
Get Out There
Be Careful Hiking During Muddy Season

It’s Earth Day today, a great time to remember to take care of nature while enjoying it! Hiking on muddy trails can be slippery and lead to erosion, damaging the environment. With some tips, you can safely enjoy trails.

April 22, 2022
Get Out There
National Park Week Kicks Off with a Free Day

Tomorrow, the national parks are having a fee-free day to celebrate National Park Week. It’s a presidentially proclaimed event that happens every year that we always look forward to!

April 15, 2022
Get Out There
Pres. Obama Hosts National Park Docuseries

Next week, Netflix is releasing a new docuseries narrated by Pres. Obama about national parks around the world. It’s called Our Great National Parks, and it premieres on April 13.

April 8, 2022
Get Out There
Twice-rescued Man Underscores Need to Be Prepared

One man’s recent hiking trip can teach us how not to get outdoors. He was so under-prepared for a hike he attempted earlier this month that he needed to be rescued twice in two days.

March 25, 2022
Get Out There
Get Outdoors: the Light’s Great and the Weather’s Fine!

This is a call to action. The clocks changing means there are more daylight minutes in the afternoon. And most places are getting warmer. It’s time to get out there and enjoy being outside!

March 18, 2022
Get Out There
Yellowstone Turns 150 This Month

On March 1, Yellowstone National Park turned 150 years old. The park is celebrating with different events and activities this month and throughout the rest of the year!

March 11, 2022
Get Out There
Yellowstone Changes Wolf Hunting Rules

Yellowstone has recently changed its rules about wolf hunting. The Montana wildlife commissioners have moved to stop hunting gray wolves in south-western Montana once 82 have been killed this season.

February 18, 2022
Get Out There
Volunteer to Get Out into the National Parks

But, instead of heading to one as a visitor, have you ever considered volunteering at a national park? Whether you’re helping to clean up, run a site, guide a tour or lend your time some other way, it’s great to get involved!

February 4, 2022
Get Out There
Preparing for the Dangers of the Great Outdoors

While we advocate for visiting the national parks, we believe it’s important to remember that they are wild, dangerous places. With some helpful tips, you can make your day safer and more fun.

January 21, 2022
Get Out There
National Parks Offer Five Free Days in 2022

It’s that time of year again! The time we tell you to mark your calendars to visit the national parks for free on certain days. There are 423 national park sites. Only 108 have a fee, but it can deter you from going.

January 7, 2022
Get Out There
The Best National Parks to Enjoy in the Winter

Now is a great time to get out into the national parks and see beautiful winter sights. Some parks are even better now than they are in the summer months!

December 17, 2021
Get Out There
Do You Want to Build a Snowman… for Fitness?

People talk about winter sports like skating and skiing. But they rarely pay attention to the workout you get from sillier activities! Sledding, playing with snowballs and building snowmen are forms of exercise that help you stay fit and enjoy the winter.

December 13, 2021
Get Out There
Best Inexpensive Gifts for Hikers

We’re looking at some last-minute gifts you can buy for your hiking partner! These are stocking stuffers and smaller gifts that are wonderful ways to show you care. They’ll help your loved one enjoy time outside without breaking the bank!

December 10, 2021
Get Out There
Pennsylvania and New Jersey May Soon Have First National Park

While it’s true that the country is filled with natural beauty, there isn’t a national park in every state. Pennsylvania and New Jersey may soon have their first national park if the Delaware Water Gap is reclassified.

November 19, 2021
Get Out There
National Parks Are Still Booming

People are getting out into the national parks.

November 5, 2021
Get Out There
October 4, 2024
Best Time to Visit Newer National Parks

It’s hard to believe that 152 years after Yosemite opened, new national parks are being founded. But we’re a country that loves our public lands! Right now is a great time to visit the newer parks.

Get Out There
September 27, 2024
Bag of Cheetos Shows Impact of Litter in Parks

A shocking news story has shown that one piece of trash can have massive consequences. A single bag of Cheetos dramatically impacted the ecosystem of Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Get Out There
September 20, 2024
Head to a State Park for More Fun

People complain that national parks are too crowded. State parks, on the other hand, are quieter. They don’t require reservations, they are less expensive and beautiful.

Get Out There
August 16, 2024
Don’t Gather Ye Rosebuds

While we love free souvenirs, one thing you can’t take home with you is anything natural from public land. Picking flowers on public land can be a federal offense with a hefty fine.

Get Out There
August 9, 2024
Invasive Tick Can Cause Meat Allergy

The bite of an aggressive invasive tick can cause you to develop an allergy to meat. Most of us know to be concerned about Lyme disease caused by ticks. But Lone Star ticks are more likely to bite.

Get Out There
July 26, 2024
National Park Ranking Places Lesser-known Park at Top

National parks are popular vacation spots. If you want solitude along with nature, a new ranking will offer you guidance! The grades were based on how quiet the park is, along with other factors.

Get Out There
July 19, 2024
Try Plaking This Weekend

An inspiring story from Vietnam has highlighted the fun and uplifting hobby of plaking. It's an excellent way to be outside and help your community!

Get Out There
July 12, 2024
NPS Has Advice for Hiking in Heat Waves

Summers are a time to take once-in-a-lifetime trips to get outdoors and hike beautiful trails. But, the National Parks wants to stress the importance of safety as temperatures soar.

Get Out There
July 5, 2024
National Parks Use Humor to Send Serious Message

Using humor can be the best way to convey a message. That’s why the NPS posted, “Believe in yourself like visitors who believe they can pet a bison,” in a post about safety tips for avoiding wildlife.

Get Out There
June 28, 2024
Changing Your Stride Can Burn More Calories

If you want to burn calories, you probably try to optimize your walk. Simply switching up the cadence of your stride could boost your metabolism.

Get Out There
May 3, 2024
How to Exercise During Allergy Season

For many people, allergy season can put a stop to exercising outdoors. But if you love getting outside, there are ways to make your life easier!

Get Out There
April 26, 2024
Hunters Die from Zombie Deer Disease

Hunting is a great source of nutrition and exercise. But recently, two men died after eating meat from deer with chronic wasting disease — also known as “zombie deer disease.”

Get Out There
April 19, 2024
Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day is coming up this Monday. It’s a wonderful time to get out into your community and meet your neighbors! There are activities outdoors and inside that let you join the fun!

Get Out There
March 15, 2024
Allergy Season Is Early, But You Can Help Yourself

Spring hasn’t officially begun, but a mild winter kicked off allergy season early. Almost a quarter of the country has higher than usual pollen counts. But you can take care of yourself.

Get Out There
February 16, 2024
Shocking Headlines Underscore Importance of Hiking Buddies

Three scary headlines surfaced in the world of hiking news this week. Going out into nature can be dangerous and hiking with company may be safer.

Get Out There
February 9, 2024
Free Alternatives to the Expensive, Crowded Parks

Some national parks are more popular and more expensive than others. But some underrated free parks are very similar to the most popular, most expensive parks.

Get Out There
January 26, 2024
Legislation Aims to Help Landowners Relax About Visitors

A lawsuit over a bike injury made Coloradan landowners reluctant to let people on their grounds. A coalition of outdoors groups, landowners and politicians aims to change the law around responsibility.

Get Out There
January 12, 2024
Air Quality May Be Worse Inside Your House

A global survey used data from more than 2.5 million air filters. Eighty-five percent of the countries studied had worse air quality inside than out for six months a year and January was the worst.

Get Out There
January 5, 2024
Pierce Brosnan Facing Jail Time for Yellowstone Antics

While on vacation in Yellowstone, Pierce Brosnan, who is famous for playing James Bond, allegedly left the path and walked onto the thermal grounds. As it's a crime, he now faces jail time.

Get Out There
December 21, 2023
Prep Food for Camping on Freezing Days

If it is too cold to go out, you can plan for when you will head back out to hike and camp again! By dehydrating food at home, you can save money and have delicious food on the trails!

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