
Blocking Inflammation-boosting Protein May Be Key to Long Life

Scientists think blocking a protein that causes inflammation may be key to longevity. When it was blocked in middle-aged mice, they had boosted metabolism, lower frailty and a 25 percent longer lifespan.

July 25, 2024
Heat Waves Lead to Headaches, Migraines

Heat can damage your heart, kidneys and overall body. It’s essential to pay attention to your body’s cues. One sign you might not be looking for but should is a sore head.

July 18, 2024
Best Ways to Look After Your Feet

Summer can lead to hot, sweaty feet. Flip-flops for going barefoot can be tempting. But folks with peripheral neuropathy must care for their feet all year round. We have tips for keeping your feet healthy.

July 17, 2024
Wegovy May Be Linked to Blindness, but More Research Needed

New research has found that semaglutide may increase the risk of developing a rare form of blindness. Sight loss happens when the optic nerve loses blood flow.

July 10, 2024
Microbiome Can Impact How You Handle Stress

People who are highly resilient to stress have distinct microbiome patterns. They have gut bacteria that reduces inflammation and improves gut barrier integrity.

July 8, 2024
Plastic Water Bottles Linked to Blood Sugar Concerns

Drinking plenty of water can be one way to help keep blood sugar stable. However, a common plastic chemical in water bottles can increase the risk of blood sugar concerns.

July 1, 2024
Some Meds Make Heat Waves Harder

You might be healthy as a horse but at high risk in a heat wave. Taking certain medications can make heat waves more dangerous than you realize, even when you feel fine.

June 24, 2024
Ways Your Body Tells You to Take a Break

Our body shows us early warning signs of stress and it’s essential to listen. If you don’t take any breaks, your body will take one for you, and you will get sick or burned out.

June 21, 2024
One Swap May Help Improve the Odds of Long Life by 28 Percent

One simple change may increase your odds of living longer by 28 percent. Replace one hour of watching TV with physical activity, and you can dramatically improve your chances of healthy aging.

June 20, 2024
Fish Oil Supplements May Aid Irritability, Anger

Omega-3 supplements could reduce aggression by up to 30 percent regardless of age or gender. Omega-3s have an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain and boost dopamine and serotonin.

June 12, 2024
Summer Is Kidney Stone Season

Summer is the most common time of year for kidney stones to form and cause problems. Our bodies haven’t adapted to the warmer weather in June. But you can avoid them.

June 6, 2024
Fruit and Veggies May Help You Sleep Better

Eating a balanced diet can help you get a good night’s sleep. A new study has found that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is best for longer, more restorative sleep.

June 5, 2024
Gamifying Health Can Help Some People

Gamifying them can help with many daily tasks. You can turn doing the dishes into a race to beat your best time. You can also gamify your health goals to make them less of a chore.

June 3, 2024
You Might Not Be Using Sunscreen Right

There are so many questions are around sunscreen. Are lotions, sticks, sprays and powders all effective? If your moisturizer has sunscreen do you need more? Can sunscreen go bad? We are clearing up the confusion!

May 31, 2024
Ozempic Lowers Kidney, Heart, Death Risk Linked to Blood Sugar

A study found that Ozempic slowed the progression of chronic kidney disease in people with blood sugar concerns. It also lowered the risk of heart problems, kidney failure and death.

May 30, 2024
COPD, Asthma Underdiagnosed Treatment Significantly Improves Life Quality

Research has found that up to 70 percent of people who have COPD or asthma may be unaware of their problem. Receiving treatment can dramatically improve a person’s quality of life.

May 29, 2024
First Person to Receive Pig Kidney Transplant Has Died

In March, we announced that a man had received a genetically modified kidney from a pig. Sadly, he has died from unrelated causes. However, his contributions to medicine will be remembered.

May 15, 2024
Neuropathy Is Underdiagnosed

Neuropathy is both very common and underdiagnosed. Fewer than 20 percent of people with neuropathy are diagnosed. People with blood sugar concerns are at higher risk.

May 13, 2024
Study Finds How Much You Should Sit, Stand, Exercise, Sleep

A new study has figured out the perfect balance between rest and activity for health. The optimum balance was found to help blood sugar levels and heart health.

May 8, 2024
Acid Reflux Linked to Headaches, Migraines

If you frequently suffer from headaches or migraines you’ve probably looked for the source of your problem. A new study suggests it might be how you treat your heartburn.

May 6, 2024
Woman’s Paralysis Is Cautionary Lesson on Food Safety

If food is not properly stored and reheated, it can have dangerous consequences. A 23-year-old woman was left paralyzed from eating leftover soup.

May 2, 2024
Care for Your Kidneys in Hot Weather

When the thermometer rises outside, there is a spike in people visiting the ER with kidney problems. The days are heating up, and we think it’s essential to revisit the topic of kidney health.

May 1, 2024
Are Nasal Sprays Addictive? It’s Complicated

People have asked if OTC nasal sprays are addictive. Some are habit-forming and shouldn't be taken for more than three days for safety. Most can be used daily to fight allergies.

April 29, 2024
Metformin May Slow Aging

Researchers want to examine whether metformin can fight age-related cancers, heart disease and cognitive decline. The drug’s anti-inflammatory nature may also slow the effects of aging.

April 25, 2024
Are You Brushing Your Teeth Wrong?

Most of us brush our teeth and move on. But a lot of us are messing up the last step! If you rinse your mouth with water after brushing, you are undoing some of the work you did.

April 18, 2024
Hydration May Be Key to Happiness

Dehydration can lead to headaches and more severe consequences. On the flip side, a new survey found that hydration may be the key to more daily happiness.

April 5, 2024
Hair-straightening Cream Linked to Kidney Damage

Small things can have large impacts on our bodies. A woman visited a salon to straighten her hair and received kidney damage that mystified doctors until they looked at the hair cream.

April 3, 2024
Breathing Through Anger Better than Exercising

Many believe the best way to deal with negative emotions is to funnel the energy into exercise. A review of 154 studies shows that physical activity isn’t the best way to feel better.

March 29, 2024
Celebrate National Triglycerides Day

Today is National Triglycerides Day. High levels of triglycerides are linked to blood sugar concerns. It’s a good day to make an appointment to learn your numbers.

March 28, 2024
Man Receives Kidney from Pig

A man with end-stage kidney disease is doing well after receiving a genetically modified kidney from a pig. He has blood sugar concerns and previously had a kidney from a human donor.

March 27, 2024
Vaping Causes Similar DNA Changes to Smoking

A study has found that vaping and smoking cause similar DNA changes. While that doesn’t mean that vaping is as dangerous as smoking, it shows vaping may have more dangers than known.

March 25, 2024
You Can Practice Your Way to Happiness

There are “hacks” devised by scientists that can train you to be happier. The only catch is that you have to stick with them. It’s like exercise: you must keep doing it to stay healthy.

March 22, 2024
Engineered Cow Makes Human Insulin in Milk

A genetically modified cow produces human insulin in its milk. The insulin people currently use is also genetically engineered. This may solve the insulin supply problem.

March 20, 2024
FDA Okays OTC Continuous Glucose Monitor

The FDA has approved the first over-the-counter continuous glucose monitoring system. It is intended for adults with or without blood sugar concerns who don’t use insulin.

March 13, 2024
Healthy Diet Can’t Compensate for Poor Sleep

According to a study, sleeping less than six hours a night raises the risk of developing serious blood sugar concerns. Even if people eat a healthy diet, the odds remain elevated.

March 7, 2024
Gut Bacteria Linked to Vision Loss

New research has found a link between gut bacteria and inherited eye disease. This find could lead to antimicrobial treatments that could save people’s visions.

March 6, 2024
Boiling Water May Remove Microplastics

A new study has found that boiling tap water can destroy at least 80 percent of the three most common plastics found in water. That makes it safer than bottled water.

March 4, 2024
Scents Can Slow Cancer, Inflammation, Brain Diseases

Inhaling a scent can delay the development of cancer, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. Inhalable preventative medication may be coming closer to reality.

March 1, 2024
Niacin Supplement Linked to Heart Problems

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is added to some foods and can be taken as a supplement. People with high levels of it in their blood may be at a higher risk for heart attacks or strokes.

February 28, 2024
Ozempic May Improve Hip Replacement Outcome

Two studies examined how Ozempic impacts the outcome of hip replacement surgery. One found that it may improve the outcome for some people and lower infections.

February 22, 2024
You May Need to Lose Less Weight than You Think

Many people set weight loss goals each year. We have lofty goals. But, losing five to 10 percent of your body weight can greatly improve your health.

February 19, 2024
Is It Time for a New Year’s Resolution?

Headlines claim February is the best time for a New Year's resolution. But we've also seen claims that June, September and December are best for resolutions. What's the truth?

February 12, 2024
Colds Can Increase Blood Sugar

When you’re sick, you want to sleep and ignore the world. Something you can’t ignore is your blood sugar. Being ill with a simple cold can wreak havoc on your blood sugar.

February 8, 2024
Samsung, Apple Race to Make Blood Sugar Technology

Last year, Apple said they aimed to make a noninvasive blood sugar tracker. Now, Samsung has announced its hopes to make a noninvasive blood sugar and continuous blood pressure monitor.

February 7, 2024
Music Impacts People Universally; Aids Blood Sugar Concerns

A study found that, around the world, people experience music the same way inside their bodies. How our bodies interpret music can be used therapeutically to help blood sugar health.

February 5, 2024
About 18% of People Gain Weight After Using Medication

A new study found that 17.7 percent of people gained the weight they lost back after they stopped taking Ozempic. And, 56.2 percent of people kept all the weight off and continued to lose weight.

January 31, 2024
Daily Multivitamin May Reduce Memory Loss

A study looked at how multivitamins impact aging adults. It used 573 people over the age of 60 and found strong evidence that a daily multivitamin can help cognition and slow memory loss.

January 29, 2024
Mind Your Blood Sugar for Eye Health

People with blood sugar concerns know how important it is to take care of themselves to stay healthy. However, they may not realize that blood sugar levels can impact vision.

January 24, 2024
Slow Your Morning for Better Health

People think the best way to approach the day is to tackle as many jobs as possible before eleven so that they feel accomplished. But science shows that a slower morning might be better.

January 22, 2024
Is Your Blood Sugar Making You Tired?

If you have constant fatigue, it could be more than just the hustle and bustle that’s wearing you down. Up to 68 percent of people with blood sugar concerns have fatigue.

January 10, 2024
Hearing Aids May Lengthen Life

Getting your hearing checked can be an excellent way to boost your health this January. Wearing hearing aids can prevent an early death, according to a new study.

January 8, 2024
How to Fight Winter Blues

Less daylight leads to lower levels of serotonin. More than 40 percent of us struggle with depressive symptoms in the winter. But there are ways to overcome them.

January 3, 2024
Some Gratitude Can Aid Happiness this Holiday Season

It’s easy to get bogged down and stressed during the holidays. Taking time out over the holidays to recenter yourself and reflect on your feelings and the things and people who give your life meaning is essential.

December 14, 2023
Only Blue Zone in U.S. Is Made for Success

One town in America is a Blue Zone where people, on average, live 10 years longer than most other Americans. The town is uniquely designed to help them reach the achievement.

December 13, 2023
Real Christmas Trees Are Better for Blood Sugar, Health

There are health benefits to choosing a real tree. Real trees act as air purifiers and have other benefits. Artificial trees can cause health problems, including blood sugar concerns.

December 8, 2023
Friendships Aid Health

Many of us immediately think of family when we think of the holidays. But, according to research from Blue Zones, as we age, friendships become more essential to staying healthy than family.

December 6, 2023
Cold Showers May Aid Blood Sugar

Cold plunges have been a wellness trend this year. Many claims about cold plunges are unproven. But, studies back the helpfulness of cold showers. They can even improve insulin sensitivity.

November 16, 2023
Many Eye Drops May Cause Infections Linked to Blindness

Twenty-seven over-the-counter eye drop products could cause serious eye infections that can lead to vision loss or blindness. The FDA has recommended a recall.

November 9, 2023
Specialized Tapping May Aid Anxiety

You may have seen recent claims about how taps to the skin may aid anxiety. Clickbait headlines are floating around, and we have spent hours examining the science behind them.

November 6, 2023
Talk About Your Medications with Your Doctor

Some tasks are essential to do annually to stay safe and healthy. Making an appointment to talk to your doctor about your medications is crucial to maintaining good health.

October 26, 2023
Why Warm Feet Help You Sleep

Cool rooms help you sleep better. But having warm feet gives you a better night’s rest. So why is a cold room and warm feet a good combination? There's science behind it.

October 25, 2023
Common Cleaning Products May Fuel Superbugs

Clean surfaces help to keep us healthy and protected against illnesses. But bleach and alcohol used to clean homes and hospitals may be speeding the development of drug-resistant bacteria.

October 18, 2023
Signs You’re Getting Healthy When Weight Loss Stops

Many signs indicate that your diet and exercise are still paying off even when you aren’t seeing the scale budge. Sometimes, numbers stop falling even when your overall health is improving.

October 16, 2023
Helping Nerve Pain in Cold Weather

Neuropathy can be a problem for many people with blood sugar concerns. As the weather gets colder, we are examining why neuropathy is worse in the cold and how people can care for themselves.

October 9, 2023
Hobbies Linked to Improved Well-being

New research has found that hobbies can be incredibly beneficial for health. Engaging in hobbies boosts well-being and lowers depression in people 65 and older.

October 6, 2023
Most Popular OTC Decongestant Doesn’t Work

When stuffed up, most of us reach for an over-the-counter decongestant. But it turns out that the most popular oral decongestant in the country doesn’t work.

September 28, 2023
Night Owls Are 19% More Likely to Have Blood Sugar Concerns

A new study found that, even after controlling for lifestyle factors, night owls are 19 percent more likely to have a blood sugar concern. That suggests there could be a genetic connection between sleep rhythm and blood sugar health.

September 27, 2023
Chilly Find Could Help Weight Management

Scientists found a cluster of neurons in mice brains that act as a hunger switch during cold weather. Knowing where this “switch” is in animals may lead to weight loss treatments for people.

September 25, 2023
Sitting on the Floor May Aid Aging

Sitting on the floor improves balance, stability and coordination, increases mobility, strengthens your core and legs and can aid your posture. Sitting on the floor for 15 to 30 minutes daily can help you move more!

September 21, 2023
Artificial Kidney May End Dialysis

More than half a million people in the U.S. get dialysis multiple times a week. About 92,000 people are on the transplant waiting list. An artificial kidney researchers are working on could end dialysis and transplants.

September 13, 2023
Weight Loss Drug Can Aid Heart Failure Patients

The medication semaglutide is branded as Ozempic, Wegovy and Rybelsus. Marketed as Wegovy for weight loss, a new study has found that it can aid the quality of life for people with heart failure.

September 11, 2023
Sleeping in on Weekends Is Bad for Heart

Many view sleeping in as a perk of the weekend! But a new study found that people who stayed up later and woke up 90 minutes later on weekends have gut bacteria linked to heart attacks, obesity and strokes.

August 31, 2023
Just Changing Your Mentality Improves Memory

In stressful situations, things can slip your mind. A study found that even imagining you are in an urgent scenario lessens your ability to form memories.

August 23, 2023
Higher Blood Sugar Linked to Heart Disease

New research has linked high blood sugar levels to heart disease. A study found that men and women who have raised blood sugar have a 30 to 50 percent higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

August 21, 2023
Drug Combo Claims to Reverse Aging Within a Week

There have been attention-grabbing headlines about researchers identifying six chemical cocktails that reverse aging and age-related diseases in less than a week. But is the breakthrough real?

July 27, 2023
Deep-sleep Brain Waves Linked to Blood Sugar Control

No one has ever been able to explain why poor sleep quality increased the risk of blood sugar concerns. New research found a potential way that deep-sleep brain waves regulate the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

July 26, 2023
More Precise Tests Make Diagnoses Sound Scarier

The days of the common cold diagnosis seem to be over. Tests can identify 18 to 20 types of viruses and bacteria and tell people exactly what germ is making them sick. But that's not as useful as it sounds.

July 17, 2023
Using Meds to Aid Weight Loss Isn’t Morally Wrong

More people are turning to Semaglutide for help with their weight. When paired with diet and exercise, it can be massively beneficial to folks struggling with weight management. The shame around it must stop.

July 13, 2023
BMI Is Just One Measure of Health

BMI is often the deciding factor in recommending or authorizing many medical treatments. However the AMA is now acknowledging its limitations and that it shouldn't be the only factor considered.

July 3, 2023
Daily Aspirin May Lead to Anemia

Daily aspirin may be linked to anemia, or lower oxygen levels in the blood. In a study of more than 18,000 people over 65, researchers saw that those who took aspirin were 20 percent more likely to be anemic.

June 29, 2023
Popular Testosterone Treatment Is Safe, May Not Be Effective

New research has found that testosterone replacement therapy is safe for men with heart disease to help treat low testosterone levels. However, it’s not an “anti-aging tonic” as some have claimed.

June 28, 2023
Melatonin May Not Be Right for Everyone

Melatonin can be beneficial in some situations, but it’s not ideal for everyone. It has drawbacks, and you should speak to your doctor before adding a supplement to your routine.

June 15, 2023
Does Berberine Live Up to the Weight Loss Hype?

People are calling berberine “nature’s Ozempic.” Celebrities are taking Ozempic to shed pounds; now influencers claim berberine will help people lose more than a pound a week. Is there any truth to it?

June 14, 2023
Does Red Light Aid Sleep?

Blue light suppresses melatonin, the sleep hormone. People thought red light may aid sleep because it’s at the other end of the spectrum. Newer research has shed "light" on the situation.

June 12, 2023
Stomach Cells May Aid Blood Sugar

New research might yield a tool to aid blood sugar health. Researchers have found a way to turn stem cells harvested from stomach tissue into cells that secrete insulin in response to blood sugar.

June 7, 2023
How to Stop Worrying About Things Beyond Your Control

There are ways to help you let go of worries about things you can’t control. When a situation is beyond your control, fixating on it doesn’t help you.

June 5, 2023
Better Chewing Helps Blood Sugar

A new study found that people who chewed their food well had better blood sugar levels than those who didn’t. The study used information from 94 people with blood sugar concerns.

May 18, 2023
Playing or Listening to Music Can Aid Cognition

A study learned that practicing or listening to music can slow mental decline. Researchers looking at the impact of music on working memory found that it stimulates the production of gray matter.

May 15, 2023
Eyes Are A Window to Aging

Aging clocks use biomarkers to determine people’s biological age and predict mortality. A new method tracks changes in the eye to look for signs of health concerns and aging.

May 10, 2023
Mindfulness Can Make You Selfish

Mindfulness can help you live a happier, healthier, less stressful life. But, practicing mindfulness can make you more selfish, depending on how you view yourself.

May 8, 2023
When to Throw Away Your Containers

Whether you use Tupperware, another brand or reuse containers food came in, everyone has plastic storage pots that they keep for years. But, how long is it safe to use the same containers over and over?

May 3, 2023
Views on Aging Impact Memory and Happiness

A 12-year study with 1,716 seniors found that people with a positive view of aging were less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 30 percent more likely to recover from MCI if it developed.

April 26, 2023
Hearing Aids May Lower Dementia Risk

Many people don’t like the idea of wearing hearing aids as they age. However, even more than being able to fully participate in the world around you, hearing aids may lower the risk of developing dementia.

April 20, 2023
Laughter Can Aid Blood Sugar

It’s long been said that laughter is the best medicine. There is actually some truth to that. In fact, laughter can lower your blood sugar.

April 10, 2023
Don’t Ask ChatGTP for Medical Advice

Researchers wanted to find out how good ChatGTP is at medical advice. They asked it 25 questions about getting screened for cancer. It got 22 questions right. It also cited fake journal articles.

April 5, 2023
Good Friends Improve Your Physical Health

New research has found that having good friends and good health is even more closely linked than we thought. Maintaining friendships, or making new friends along the way, is essential for your well-being.

March 30, 2023
Insomnia May Cause Heart Disease, Attack

We know the obvious consequences of poor sleep. We drag through our days feeling sluggish and irritable. However, two new studies have found that irregular sleep and poor sleeping patterns can increase your risk for serious heart problems.

March 22, 2023
Your Water Bottle Is Filthy

Reusable water bottles are filthy, according to a study. In fact, on average, a water bottle has 40,000 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Bottles also have 14 times more bacteria than a pet’s water bowl.

March 15, 2023
Wearable Tech May Pose Danger to Pacemakers

Smartwatches, rings and even smart scales have become increasingly commonplace. But, a new study has found that technology might be dangerous for people with cardiac implantable electronic devices like pacemakers.

March 13, 2023
Prepare for Daylight Saving Now

Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday. People argue about whether or not we should go through this yearly disruption. It’s confusing and bad for the body. You can help yourself by adjusting to it now so that your body is ready for it come Sunday.

March 8, 2023
July 25, 2024
Blocking Inflammation-boosting Protein May Be Key to Long Life

Scientists think blocking a protein that causes inflammation may be key to longevity. When it was blocked in middle-aged mice, they had boosted metabolism, lower frailty and a 25 percent longer lifespan.

July 18, 2024
Heat Waves Lead to Headaches, Migraines

Heat can damage your heart, kidneys and overall body. It’s essential to pay attention to your body’s cues. One sign you might not be looking for but should is a sore head.

July 17, 2024
Best Ways to Look After Your Feet

Summer can lead to hot, sweaty feet. Flip-flops for going barefoot can be tempting. But folks with peripheral neuropathy must care for their feet all year round. We have tips for keeping your feet healthy.

July 10, 2024
Wegovy May Be Linked to Blindness, but More Research Needed

New research has found that semaglutide may increase the risk of developing a rare form of blindness. Sight loss happens when the optic nerve loses blood flow.

July 8, 2024
Microbiome Can Impact How You Handle Stress

People who are highly resilient to stress have distinct microbiome patterns. They have gut bacteria that reduces inflammation and improves gut barrier integrity.

July 1, 2024
Plastic Water Bottles Linked to Blood Sugar Concerns

Drinking plenty of water can be one way to help keep blood sugar stable. However, a common plastic chemical in water bottles can increase the risk of blood sugar concerns.

June 24, 2024
Some Meds Make Heat Waves Harder

You might be healthy as a horse but at high risk in a heat wave. Taking certain medications can make heat waves more dangerous than you realize, even when you feel fine.

June 21, 2024
Ways Your Body Tells You to Take a Break

Our body shows us early warning signs of stress and it’s essential to listen. If you don’t take any breaks, your body will take one for you, and you will get sick or burned out.

June 20, 2024
One Swap May Help Improve the Odds of Long Life by 28 Percent

One simple change may increase your odds of living longer by 28 percent. Replace one hour of watching TV with physical activity, and you can dramatically improve your chances of healthy aging.

June 12, 2024
Fish Oil Supplements May Aid Irritability, Anger

Omega-3 supplements could reduce aggression by up to 30 percent regardless of age or gender. Omega-3s have an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain and boost dopamine and serotonin.

June 6, 2024
Summer Is Kidney Stone Season

Summer is the most common time of year for kidney stones to form and cause problems. Our bodies haven’t adapted to the warmer weather in June. But you can avoid them.

June 5, 2024
Fruit and Veggies May Help You Sleep Better

Eating a balanced diet can help you get a good night’s sleep. A new study has found that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is best for longer, more restorative sleep.

June 3, 2024
Gamifying Health Can Help Some People

Gamifying them can help with many daily tasks. You can turn doing the dishes into a race to beat your best time. You can also gamify your health goals to make them less of a chore.

May 31, 2024
You Might Not Be Using Sunscreen Right

There are so many questions are around sunscreen. Are lotions, sticks, sprays and powders all effective? If your moisturizer has sunscreen do you need more? Can sunscreen go bad? We are clearing up the confusion!

May 30, 2024
Ozempic Lowers Kidney, Heart, Death Risk Linked to Blood Sugar

A study found that Ozempic slowed the progression of chronic kidney disease in people with blood sugar concerns. It also lowered the risk of heart problems, kidney failure and death.

May 29, 2024
COPD, Asthma Underdiagnosed Treatment Significantly Improves Life Quality

Research has found that up to 70 percent of people who have COPD or asthma may be unaware of their problem. Receiving treatment can dramatically improve a person’s quality of life.

May 15, 2024
First Person to Receive Pig Kidney Transplant Has Died

In March, we announced that a man had received a genetically modified kidney from a pig. Sadly, he has died from unrelated causes. However, his contributions to medicine will be remembered.

May 13, 2024
Neuropathy Is Underdiagnosed

Neuropathy is both very common and underdiagnosed. Fewer than 20 percent of people with neuropathy are diagnosed. People with blood sugar concerns are at higher risk.

May 8, 2024
Study Finds How Much You Should Sit, Stand, Exercise, Sleep

A new study has figured out the perfect balance between rest and activity for health. The optimum balance was found to help blood sugar levels and heart health.

May 6, 2024
Acid Reflux Linked to Headaches, Migraines

If you frequently suffer from headaches or migraines you’ve probably looked for the source of your problem. A new study suggests it might be how you treat your heartburn.

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