A study with adults with a heightened risk for heart disease found that pecans can aid heart health. Folks who added pecans to their day made healthy changes in their diet and lowered their cholesterol.
If you are a condiment lover, you should read the labels on the products in your fridge. Sauces can dress up a dull meal and make things more appetizing. But you may be shocked at the sugar they hide!
Coffee lovers are getting more good news about their favorite drink! It may help both heart and gut health. Antioxidants in the drink lower inflammation and can help health in many ways.
People claim that a handful of raw spinach eaten first thing in the morning is beneficial. It supposedly gets more vegetables in their day and stops sugar cravings. But a serving of vegetables is two cups of raw spinach.
Maltodextrin isn’t technically a sugar; it is a carb. But, while table sugar has a GI of 65, maltodextrin has a GI between 116 and 136. Most of us don't realize how many foods use it as an ingredient.
Adding pumpkin spice to black tea creates a flavorful drink without adding calories or sugar. Black tea can aid blood sugar while the spices contain antioxidants and boost digestive health.
New research suggests that eating a daily orange could lower the risk of depression by 20 percent. Researchers found that citrus fruit appeared to increase both serotonin and dopamine.
A new study found might be worth adding elderberries as a supplement or drink to your diet. They may regulate blood sugar, improve the microbiome and increase fat burn.
Cleanses go in and out of vogue all the time. Steer clear of the vegetable and fruit juice-only diet that is so popular right now. It causes shifts in a person’s oral and gut bacteria in just three days.
New research has found that camembert may boost a protein in the body that preserves memory and brain function. That could prevent dementia.
New research has found that alcohol can directly and indirectly cause panic attacks in some people. If you struggle with anxiety after drinking, the alcohol may be to blame.
The creator of the slow carb diet claims that people who follow it can expect to lose 10 to 20 pounds of fat without exercising in a month. Is that true? And is it safe and maintainable?
Crash diets tend to get short results and can have long-term negative impacts on your body. A man recently made headlines after experiencing gruesome side effects of the carnivore diet.
There is a popular theory that carbonated water may cause weight loss. A new study has found that carbonated water lowers blood sugar. But does it make an impact?
The coconut creates many things—coconut water, milk, flour and sugar are at the top of the list. It’s rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. But does it help your blood sugar?
People are continually concerned about how much protein they eat, whether it’s enough or if they need more. However, many Americans don’t eat enough fiber.
A version of the Mediterranean diet with green tea, green smoothies and green vegetables could slow brain aging. It may slow age-related brain shrinkage by up to 50 percent in 18 months.
A study showed that people who drank coffee in the morning were less likely to die from heart disease and had a lower mortality risk than all-day coffee drinkers.
Amid dry January, the U.S. Surgeon General proposed that alcohol should be labeled with a cancer warning. More and more evidence shows that alcohol harms human health.
Researchers are searching for answers as to why GI cancers are becoming more common at alarming rates. Studies suggest it could be because of the current unhealthy diet trends.