
Popular Nut May Aid Cholesterol

A study with adults with a heightened risk for heart disease found that pecans can aid heart health. Folks who added pecans to their day made healthy changes in their diet and lowered their cholesterol.

March 26, 2025
There’s Sugar Hiding on Your Plate

If you are a condiment lover, you should read the labels on the products in your fridge. Sauces can dress up a dull meal and make things more appetizing. But you may be shocked at the sugar they hide!

March 17, 2025
Coffee Aids Gut, Heart

Coffee lovers are getting more good news about their favorite drink! It may help both heart and gut health. Antioxidants in the drink lower inflammation and can help health in many ways.

March 13, 2025
Viral Spinach Trend Is a Mixed Bag

People claim that a handful of raw spinach eaten first thing in the morning is beneficial. It supposedly gets more vegetables in their day and stops sugar cravings. But a serving of vegetables is two cups of raw spinach.

March 10, 2025
Common Ingredient Spikes Blood Sugar More than Sugar

Maltodextrin isn’t technically a sugar; it is a carb. But, while table sugar has a GI of 65, maltodextrin has a GI between 116 and 136. Most of us don't realize how many foods use it as an ingredient.

March 6, 2025
Spiced Black Tea May Help Blood Sugar, Inflammation

Adding pumpkin spice to black tea creates a flavorful drink without adding calories or sugar. Black tea can aid blood sugar while the spices contain antioxidants and boost digestive health.

February 27, 2025
Oranges May Help Mental Health

New research suggests that eating a daily orange could lower the risk of depression by 20 percent. Researchers found that citrus fruit appeared to increase both serotonin and dopamine.

February 26, 2025
Under-appreciated Berry May Aid Blood Sugar, Weight

A new study found might be worth adding elderberries as a supplement or drink to your diet. They may regulate blood sugar, improve the microbiome and increase fat burn.

February 19, 2025
Fad Diet Can Cause Lasting Harm in Three Days

Cleanses go in and out of vogue all the time. Steer clear of the vegetable and fruit juice-only diet that is so popular right now. It causes shifts in a person’s oral and gut bacteria in just three days.

February 13, 2025
Camembert May Prevent Dementia

New research has found that camembert may boost a protein in the body that preserves memory and brain function. That could prevent dementia.

February 10, 2025
Alcohol Linked to Panic Attacks in Some People

New research has found that alcohol can directly and indirectly cause panic attacks in some people. If you struggle with anxiety after drinking, the alcohol may be to blame.

February 6, 2025
Is the Slow Carb Diet Healthy and Helpful?

The creator of the slow carb diet claims that people who follow it can expect to lose 10 to 20 pounds of fat without exercising in a month. Is that true? And is it safe and maintainable?

February 5, 2025
Extreme Diet Caused Horrifying Side Effects for Man

Crash diets tend to get short results and can have long-term negative impacts on your body. A man recently made headlines after experiencing gruesome side effects of the carnivore diet.

January 31, 2025
Can Sparkling Water Really Boost Weight Loss?

There is a popular theory that carbonated water may cause weight loss. A new study has found that carbonated water lowers blood sugar. But does it make an impact?

January 29, 2025
Is Coconut Healthy for Blood Sugar?

The coconut creates many things—coconut water, milk, flour and sugar are at the top of the list. It’s rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. But does it help your blood sugar?

January 27, 2025
You Should Focus More on Fiber, Not Protein

People are continually concerned about how much protein they eat, whether it’s enough or if they need more. However, many Americans don’t eat enough fiber.

January 23, 2025
Green Mediterranean Diet May Slow Brain Aging

A version of the Mediterranean diet with green tea, green smoothies and green vegetables could slow brain aging. It may slow age-related brain shrinkage by up to 50 percent in 18 months.

January 22, 2025
Early Coffee May Aid Heart Health

A study showed that people who drank coffee in the morning were less likely to die from heart disease and had a lower mortality risk than all-day coffee drinkers.

January 15, 2025
Surgeon General Calls for a Cancer Warning Label on Alcohol

Amid dry January, the U.S. Surgeon General proposed that alcohol should be labeled with a cancer warning. More and more evidence shows that alcohol harms human health.

January 13, 2025
Ultra-processed Food May Be Driving Rise in Bowel Cancer

Researchers are searching for answers as to why GI cancers are becoming more common at alarming rates. Studies suggest it could be because of the current unhealthy diet trends.

December 12, 2024
Food Choices Can Aid Chronic Pain

Researchers studied the possible links between body fat, diet and chronic pain. They found that eating healthier foods was linked to lower levels of pain, regardless of weight.

December 11, 2024
Dark Chocolate May Aid Blood Sugar

People who eat a little dark chocolate daily are less likely to develop a serious blood sugar concern. Eating about an ounce of dark chocolate a day was linked to a 21 percent lower risk.

December 9, 2024
High-sugar Diet May Lead to Dementia

A study found that a high-sugar diet may lead to cognitive decline. It found that three factors contributed the most to avoidable dementia — blood sugar spikes, air pollution and alcohol.

December 4, 2024
Is Turkey Healthy?

We’ve shared many wonderful low-carb Thanksgiving recipes. One food you don’t have to think about regarding its health impacts is turkey. Turkey has many health benefits!

November 27, 2024
Regular Dairy Linked to Heart Problems in Women

A study found that drinking non-fermented dairy milk may increase the risk of heart disease in women. Replacing milk with products like yogurt and kefir lowered the risk.

November 18, 2024
Renal Diet Could Aid Kidneys

For people with kidney concerns, nutrients can build up in the kidneys and blood and cause damage. The renal diet can prevent harm. The diet is low in sodium, potassium and phosphorus.

November 14, 2024
Pumpkin Aids Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol

Pumpkin is a delicious winter squash, and we look forward to them being in season every year! As well as being tasty, pumpkin has many benefits that we rarely speak about.

November 11, 2024
Will Newest Hot Drink Help Blood Sugar?

The latest hot trend from Instagram is a tea made with lemon, bay leaves, turmeric powder and honey. Supposedly, the drink will support blood sugar levels. But is there truth to it?

November 7, 2024
Make Holiday Foods Anytime

Often, we overeat holiday dishes because they are once-a-year treats. But you can make them whenever you want. Removing the idea of scarcity makes it much easier to enjoy without overeating.

November 4, 2024
How You Cook Eggs May Impact Cholesterol

New research has found that it isn’t eggs themselves that impact cholesterol, but how they are cooked. Cooking eggs at high temperatures can be less healthy and raise heart health risks.

October 31, 2024
Ultra-processed Food Worse for Folks with Blood Sugar Concerns

Ultra-processed foods are bad for you. Many ignore the risk because it's cheap and easy. A study found that ultra-processed food is even worse for people with blood sugar concerns.

October 28, 2024
Pumpkin Seeds May Aid Sleep

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium. They can benefit the heart and kidneys. And they can aid sleep, combating SAD.

October 23, 2024
Get Your Protein from Better Sources

People think more protein is always better. However, there is such a thing as too much, and the source of protein matters. Seventy-five percent of Americans eat more animal protein than they should.

October 17, 2024
Are Cortisol Cocktails Safe or Helpful?

The cortisol cocktail mixes juice, coconut water and sea salt. There is no evidence it lowers cortisol levels. There may be some other benefits to it. But there are also drawbacks.

October 14, 2024
Can Sugar Really Give You Acne?

We are looking at the science behind the old wives’ tale that sugar causes acne. You’ve probably heard it a million times. But does sugar really cause breakouts?

October 9, 2024
How Cloves Can Aid Blood Sugar

Cloves, the delicious autumnal spice, are rich in compounds that can increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar. So in addition to tasting of fall, they can aid your health.

October 2, 2024
Frozen Veggies Are Great for You and Your Blood Sugar

As the weather gets colder, the “fresh” produce in the supermarket becomes less fresh. Frozen veggies are great! Some are better for your blood sugar than others. Here are some of the best.

September 30, 2024
Diet Dirty Sodas Can Hide A Lot of Calories, Carbs

A popular TV show has made people aware of soda shop culture. The shops sell sodas filled with syrups, creamer, juices and more. Diet versions of the drinks aren’t much healthier.

September 25, 2024
Keto May Damage the Gut, Heart

People have questioned whether the keto or low-sugar diet is better. Both cause weight loss. But, a study has found that a low-sugar diet may be healthier for some aspects of health.

September 23, 2024
What Is the Human Being Diet?

The Human Being Diet aims to control your hormones, insulin and cortisol levels. While removing ultra-processed food and balancing insulin sounds good, the diet can be intense.

September 19, 2024
Could New Food Labels Help People?

New front-of-package labels that detail the calories, fat, sugar and salt aim to be a simple, standardized, evidence-based labeling system for all packaged foods sold in the U.S. But are they useful?

September 18, 2024
Avocados May Aid Women’s Blood Sugar More Than Men’s

A study aimed to see how much avocado helped blood sugar. Women who ate avocados daily had a lower risk of blood sugar concerns. Men did not. But, men may have other risk factors.

September 16, 2024
Diet May Cause Depression

Blood sugar spikes from meals can impact your mental health. A recent study found blood sugar fluctuations may cause anxiety and depression because of hormonal changes.

September 4, 2024
Vinegar May Aid Mood

Researchers have found that taking vinegar daily can improve the symptoms of depression. This might be a simple, holistic way to aid people’s mental health.

August 28, 2024
Iron from Meat May Raise Blood Sugar Risks

Research has linked iron from meat to a higher risk of developing blood sugar concerns. People who ate the highest amount of iron from meat had a 26 percent higher risk.

August 26, 2024
Protein Bars Can Be Secret Source of Sugar

Protein bars can be great for fast fuel while hiking and doing other activities. But, they can also be candy bars in disguise. The amount of hidden sugar in some bars is jaw-dropping.

August 23, 2024
Less Olive Oil Is Better for Heart

Researchers wanted to test how heart-healthy extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) really is. People lost more weight and had better blood sugar levels when eating very little EVOO.

August 14, 2024
Keto Can Be Harmful for Some

New research that might make you sour on keto. The low-carb, high-fat diet can raise cholesterol, reduce beneficial gut bacteria and increase the risk of future blood sugar concerns.

August 12, 2024
Going Vegan for Two Months May Slow Aging

A study used identical twins to look at how veganism impacts health. The vegans had better cholesterol levels, better fasting blood sugar and slower biological clocks than their twins at the end of eight weeks.

August 7, 2024
No Alcohol Might Be Best

A new study argues that drinking never has benefits. Studies often put people into two groups—non-drinkers and regular drinkers. Ex-heavy drinkers can be included in the first group.

July 31, 2024
Does Coffee Dehydrate You?

A gastroenterologist went viral talking about the best ways to drink coffee. It's a great video with excellent advice. But he was off on one small fact.

July 29, 2024
White Foods May Be Bad for Cognition

In addition to spiking blood sugar, refined carbs in the form of "white foods" may damage cognition and have been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease, according to multiple studies.

July 24, 2024
No-sugar Diet Can Go Too Far

A no-sugar diet can help you lose weight and manage your blood sugar. However, some people push it too far and miss out on essential nutrients.

July 22, 2024
Smoothies May Be Gateway to Healthy Eating

A program taught people to make tasty smoothies from leafy greens to help them manage blood sugar. The participants weren’t habitual salad eaters but the smoothies acted as a gateway to healthy food.

July 15, 2024
Protein, Fats Can Drive Insulin in Some People

Research has found that insulin reactions are much more individualized than believed. It's not just carbs that raise blood sugar; some people are hyper-responsive to fatty foods.

July 11, 2024
Compound in Olives Aids Blood Sugar, Weight

A mouse study found that elenolic acid found naturally in olives can lower blood sugar and boost weight loss. It may make less expensive natural products for blood sugar and weight management.

July 3, 2024
Cutting Calories May Slow Aging

Two new studies have found a reason besides weight loss to cut calories from your diet. Reducing your calories may decrease biological age and offer other health benefits.

June 27, 2024
Mediterranean Diet May Lengthen Women’s Lives

A study that followed 25,000 women over 25 years found that those eating a Mediterranean diet were 23 percent less likely to die than those following other lifestyles.

June 26, 2024
Semaglutide Reduces Alcohol Use

Semaglutide may help prevent alcohol-use disorder (AUD). In a study, people taking it were 50 percent less likely to develop AUD and 56 percent less likely to relapse if they already had a problem.

June 19, 2024
Are There Benefits to Raw Milk?

Putting aside politics, we’re curious: are there benefits to raw milk? We’re looking at sources not funded by the government or the dairy industry to get the science behind raw milk.

June 17, 2024
Ozempic Can Improve Taste Buds

Semaglutide may improve women’s taste sensitivity, especially to sweet flavors. If people taste more sweetness, they are satisfied more easily and aren’t fighting cravings.

June 13, 2024
Prebiotic Soda Bubble May Be Bursting

the soda brand Poppi marketed itself with the slogan “Be Gut Happy. Be Gut Healthy.” However, each can only contains two grams of fiber with five grams of sugar. They are being sued in a class-action lawsuit.

June 10, 2024
Greek Is More Popular, but Is it Better than Regular Yogurt?

Greek yogurt now outsells normal yogurt. There are nutritional differences between them, and they offer differing health benefits. But is one better than the other, or is it just about preferences?

May 23, 2024
Maximum Antioxidant Absorption from Green Tea

Many factors can impact how effectively you absorb the antioxidants in green tea. How it’s made, what you pair it with, your habits and more all change how green tea will affect you.

May 22, 2024
Concerned About Bird Flu? Cook Burger to Medium

The bird flu hasn't posed a large threat to people or been found in retail meat. However, if you are concerned about the safety of your burgers, cook them to 145 F to kill any possible viruses.

May 20, 2024
Randomized Controlled Trials Say Artificial Sweeteners Are Safe

The research that condemns artificial sweeteners as unsafe has either used cell models or is observational. Far more accurate randomized controlled trials say that they are harmless.

May 16, 2024
Anti-inflammatory Diet May Lower Risk of Cognitive Impairment

A new study found that an anti-inflammatory diet was linked with a 21 percent reduction in cognitive impairment, and a protein-rich diet was associated with a nine percent reduction.

May 9, 2024
High Seafood Diet Carries Risk of Forever Chemicals

A new study has underscored the importance of eating a varied diet. Seafood is healthy. But, overeating some types of seafood can increase exposure to toxic “forever chemicals.”

April 24, 2024
Vegan Burgers Are Worse for Blood Sugar

Marketing for vegan meat claims it's healthy. But, a study showed that people who ate diets high in artificial meats for eight weeks had higher blood sugar levels than people eating normal meat.

April 22, 2024
Mozzarella Is the Heart Healthiest Cheese

When trying to make heart-healthy food choices, many folks avoid dairy. Cheese can be high in both salt and saturated fat. However, not all cheeses are the same. Mozzarella can be great!

April 17, 2024
The 30-30-30 Method Isn’t a Bad Diet

While the 30-30-30 method has become popular on TikTok, it originated in a 2010 self-help book. However, nutritionists don’t dismiss the 30-30-30 method. It has some science behind it.

April 15, 2024
“Oatzempic” Isn’t a Miracle Food

Oatzempic is a drink made from that people claim is a natural form of the drug Ozempic. Oats are very high in fiber and can aid blood sugar levels. But is there any truth to the claims?

April 11, 2024
Keto Diet May Aid Mental Health

People with serious mental health concerns can have metabolic problems because of their medications. A keto diet can ease both their mental health symptoms and metabolic issues.

April 10, 2024
Coffee May Aid Muscle Health

Drinking coffee may aid aging muscles. New research has found potential health benefits in trigonelline. The molecule is found in both coffee and the human body.

April 8, 2024
Is Intermittent Fasting Bad for the Heart?

New research has found mixed evidence that intermittent fasting increases the risk of dying from heart disease. It sounds alarming at first, but there are a lot of things to consider.

April 4, 2024
Daily Avocado May Improve Overall Diet

A new study found that eating an avocado a day may improve overall diet quality. When people in the study ate an avocado daily, they made better food choices throughout the day.

April 1, 2024
Ultra-processed Food Linked to 32 Health Problems

A diet high in ultra-processed food is linked to everything from early death, cancer, blood sugar concerns, mental health issues and more. In all, it's connected to 32 health problems.

March 21, 2024
FDA Okays Blood Sugar Claim on Yogurt

Yogurt labels can say that there is “limited scientific evidence” that eating at least two cups of yogurt a week lowers the risk of serious blood sugar concerns — even brands packed with sugar.

March 18, 2024
Caffeine May Aid Weight, Joint Health

A long-term study found that caffeine use may prevent weight gain and reduce the risk of joint inflammation and degeneration. There are multiple ways it can help.

March 14, 2024
Diet Soda May Take a Toll on Heart

Drinking two liters or more of artificially sweetened drinks a week was linked to a 20 percent higher risk of atrial fibrillation. Sugary drinks increase the risk more.

March 11, 2024
Is Hydrogen Water Worth the Hype?

A lot of people praise hydrogen water’s benefits. Before you sink money into a pricey water bottle, we want to look at all the science so you can decide if it’s right for you.

March 8, 2024
Resistant Starch May Aid Weight Loss, Blood Sugar

Resistant starch is found in beans, whole grains and other foods. In a trial, a supplement of this hard-to-digest carbohydrate helped people lose weight and avoid sugar spikes.

February 29, 2024
Fasting Diet May Aid Aging

A study found a fast-mimicking diet lowered people’s biological age by two and a half years. It also lowered blood sugar concerns, reduced liver fat and slowed immune system aging.

February 26, 2024
What is MCT Oil, and Is it Healthy?

Sometimes, the recipes we share call for MCT oil. It’s always optional. We are examining what MCT oil is so that you can make your own decisions about whether to include it in your diet.

February 21, 2024
Kiwi Improves Blood Sugar, Mood

Kiwi is excellent for your health and can benefit your blood sugar. Additionally, a new study has found it can boost your mood in just four days.

February 15, 2024
What Is the Atlantic Diet?

The Atlantic diet has been in the news recently, and it may rival the Mediterranean diet! It may reduce the risk of health problems linked to heart and blood sugar concerns by half.

February 14, 2024
Eat Citrus Fruit Whenever You Like

We were asked if eating citrus fruit after meals is bad for people with blood sugar concerns. After hours of research, we've found no science behind it. There are known benefits to eating fruit with meals!

February 1, 2024
Aging Can Cause Lactose Intolerance, but There Are Solutions

Our bodies can have a harder time breaking down dairy as we age. Eating a low-carb diet can be restricting, you shouldn't have to avoid dairy as well. With a few tricks, you probably don't have to.

January 25, 2024
Signs You Need More Protein

People with blood sugar concerns are often wary of overeating protein. But, most of us don’t get enough protein. There are signs of deficiencies that you can notice.

January 18, 2024
Fruit Bats May Help Blood Sugar Concerns

Fruit bats eat twice their body weight in fruit daily. Researchers hope that learning how fruit bats have evolved to live off sugar could be the key to helping folk with blood sugar concerns.

January 17, 2024
Vibrating Weight Loss Pill Shows Promise in Animal Tests

Engineers have made a vibrating pill that tricks the stomach into thinking it’s stretched to capacity. It could be taken before a meal and would help control appetite.

January 11, 2024
Be Wary of Eggnog

Food safety experts warn that homemade eggnog can have dangers beyond its high sugar content. They worry that it can be “teeming with pathogens.”

December 20, 2023
Mulled Wine May Aid Health

If you drink over the holidays, you may be comforted knowing that mulled wine may offer you some benefits. The wine and spices may aid your heart and other aspects of your health.

December 18, 2023
Is the Portfolio Diet Helpful?

The portfolio diet was created by scientists at Harvard to aid heart health. Some claim it’s a health silver bullet. However, some experts disagree. How does it stack up against DASH and the Mediterranean diet?

December 11, 2023
Red Cabbage Is Delicious and Healthier than Green

Cabbage is a versatile veggie we should eat more often. Reach for red cabbage in the store as it's far more nutritious than green and can fight inflammation and aid blood sugar in numerous ways!

December 7, 2023
Beets Fight Inflammation, Aid Blood Sugar

Beets have many nutritional benefits. They can help blood sugar and are packed with fiber. Another big reason to add beets to your diet is that they fight inflammation.

December 4, 2023
Going Vegan May Help Blood Sugar, Heart

A review of 37 published studies says swapping red meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy for plants may significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and blood sugar concerns.

November 30, 2023
Agave Nectar Is Not a Healthy Alternative

People with blood sugar concerns know to avoid normal sugar. Agave nectar has become the hot new sweetener with a low GI. But it has more drawbacks than people realize.

November 29, 2023
Peanuts Are Excellent for Blood Sugar

Peanuts have a GI score of just 14, making them one of the lowest foods. While you may worry that the fat in peanuts is bad, they are a heart-healthy food that can help blood sugar and may aid weight loss.

November 27, 2023
Turn Your Turkey Into Healthy Stock

Boxed bone broths can incredibly high in salt. But, stock has many benefits. Turning your leftover Thanksgiving turkey into stock is a great way to prevent food waste and make a healthy ingredient.

November 22, 2023
March 26, 2025
Popular Nut May Aid Cholesterol

A study with adults with a heightened risk for heart disease found that pecans can aid heart health. Folks who added pecans to their day made healthy changes in their diet and lowered their cholesterol.

March 17, 2025
There’s Sugar Hiding on Your Plate

If you are a condiment lover, you should read the labels on the products in your fridge. Sauces can dress up a dull meal and make things more appetizing. But you may be shocked at the sugar they hide!

March 13, 2025
Coffee Aids Gut, Heart

Coffee lovers are getting more good news about their favorite drink! It may help both heart and gut health. Antioxidants in the drink lower inflammation and can help health in many ways.

March 10, 2025
Viral Spinach Trend Is a Mixed Bag

People claim that a handful of raw spinach eaten first thing in the morning is beneficial. It supposedly gets more vegetables in their day and stops sugar cravings. But a serving of vegetables is two cups of raw spinach.

March 6, 2025
Common Ingredient Spikes Blood Sugar More than Sugar

Maltodextrin isn’t technically a sugar; it is a carb. But, while table sugar has a GI of 65, maltodextrin has a GI between 116 and 136. Most of us don't realize how many foods use it as an ingredient.

February 27, 2025
Spiced Black Tea May Help Blood Sugar, Inflammation

Adding pumpkin spice to black tea creates a flavorful drink without adding calories or sugar. Black tea can aid blood sugar while the spices contain antioxidants and boost digestive health.

February 26, 2025
Oranges May Help Mental Health

New research suggests that eating a daily orange could lower the risk of depression by 20 percent. Researchers found that citrus fruit appeared to increase both serotonin and dopamine.

February 19, 2025
Under-appreciated Berry May Aid Blood Sugar, Weight

A new study found might be worth adding elderberries as a supplement or drink to your diet. They may regulate blood sugar, improve the microbiome and increase fat burn.

February 13, 2025
Fad Diet Can Cause Lasting Harm in Three Days

Cleanses go in and out of vogue all the time. Steer clear of the vegetable and fruit juice-only diet that is so popular right now. It causes shifts in a person’s oral and gut bacteria in just three days.

February 10, 2025
Camembert May Prevent Dementia

New research has found that camembert may boost a protein in the body that preserves memory and brain function. That could prevent dementia.

February 6, 2025
Alcohol Linked to Panic Attacks in Some People

New research has found that alcohol can directly and indirectly cause panic attacks in some people. If you struggle with anxiety after drinking, the alcohol may be to blame.

February 5, 2025
Is the Slow Carb Diet Healthy and Helpful?

The creator of the slow carb diet claims that people who follow it can expect to lose 10 to 20 pounds of fat without exercising in a month. Is that true? And is it safe and maintainable?

January 31, 2025
Extreme Diet Caused Horrifying Side Effects for Man

Crash diets tend to get short results and can have long-term negative impacts on your body. A man recently made headlines after experiencing gruesome side effects of the carnivore diet.

January 29, 2025
Can Sparkling Water Really Boost Weight Loss?

There is a popular theory that carbonated water may cause weight loss. A new study has found that carbonated water lowers blood sugar. But does it make an impact?

January 27, 2025
Is Coconut Healthy for Blood Sugar?

The coconut creates many things—coconut water, milk, flour and sugar are at the top of the list. It’s rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. But does it help your blood sugar?

January 23, 2025
You Should Focus More on Fiber, Not Protein

People are continually concerned about how much protein they eat, whether it’s enough or if they need more. However, many Americans don’t eat enough fiber.

January 22, 2025
Green Mediterranean Diet May Slow Brain Aging

A version of the Mediterranean diet with green tea, green smoothies and green vegetables could slow brain aging. It may slow age-related brain shrinkage by up to 50 percent in 18 months.

January 15, 2025
Early Coffee May Aid Heart Health

A study showed that people who drank coffee in the morning were less likely to die from heart disease and had a lower mortality risk than all-day coffee drinkers.

January 13, 2025
Surgeon General Calls for a Cancer Warning Label on Alcohol

Amid dry January, the U.S. Surgeon General proposed that alcohol should be labeled with a cancer warning. More and more evidence shows that alcohol harms human health.

December 12, 2024
Ultra-processed Food May Be Driving Rise in Bowel Cancer

Researchers are searching for answers as to why GI cancers are becoming more common at alarming rates. Studies suggest it could be because of the current unhealthy diet trends.

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