We are looking at the science behind the old wives’ tale that sugar causes acne. You’ve probably heard it a million times. But does sugar really cause breakouts?
Cloves, the delicious autumnal spice, are rich in compounds that can increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar. So in addition to tasting of fall, they can aid your health.
As the weather gets colder, the “fresh” produce in the supermarket becomes less fresh. Frozen veggies are great! Some are better for your blood sugar than others. Here are some of the best.
A popular TV show has made people aware of soda shop culture. The shops sell sodas filled with syrups, creamer, juices and more. Diet versions of the drinks aren’t much healthier.
People have questioned whether the keto or low-sugar diet is better. Both cause weight loss. But, a study has found that a low-sugar diet may be healthier for some aspects of health.
The Human Being Diet aims to control your hormones, insulin and cortisol levels. While removing ultra-processed food and balancing insulin sounds good, the diet can be intense.
New front-of-package labels that detail the calories, fat, sugar and salt aim to be a simple, standardized, evidence-based labeling system for all packaged foods sold in the U.S. But are they useful?
A study aimed to see how much avocado helped blood sugar. Women who ate avocados daily had a lower risk of blood sugar concerns. Men did not. But, men may have other risk factors.
Blood sugar spikes from meals can impact your mental health. A recent study found blood sugar fluctuations may cause anxiety and depression because of hormonal changes.
Researchers have found that taking vinegar daily can improve the symptoms of depression. This might be a simple, holistic way to aid people’s mental health.
Research has linked iron from meat to a higher risk of developing blood sugar concerns. People who ate the highest amount of iron from meat had a 26 percent higher risk.
Protein bars can be great for fast fuel while hiking and doing other activities. But, they can also be candy bars in disguise. The amount of hidden sugar in some bars is jaw-dropping.
Researchers wanted to test how heart-healthy extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) really is. People lost more weight and had better blood sugar levels when eating very little EVOO.
New research that might make you sour on keto. The low-carb, high-fat diet can raise cholesterol, reduce beneficial gut bacteria and increase the risk of future blood sugar concerns.
A study used identical twins to look at how veganism impacts health. The vegans had better cholesterol levels, better fasting blood sugar and slower biological clocks than their twins at the end of eight weeks.
A new study argues that drinking never has benefits. Studies often put people into two groups—non-drinkers and regular drinkers. Ex-heavy drinkers can be included in the first group.
A gastroenterologist went viral talking about the best ways to drink coffee. It's a great video with excellent advice. But he was off on one small fact.
In addition to spiking blood sugar, refined carbs in the form of "white foods" may damage cognition and have been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease, according to multiple studies.
A no-sugar diet can help you lose weight and manage your blood sugar. However, some people push it too far and miss out on essential nutrients.
A program taught people to make tasty smoothies from leafy greens to help them manage blood sugar. The participants weren’t habitual salad eaters but the smoothies acted as a gateway to healthy food.