We are almost finished with our first trip around the U.S. But, we are parking the car today to speak about safe and healthy travel during the holidays.
Visiting family is fun and rewarding, but it can be stressful for both your mood and your body. It’s essential to take care of yourself during the holidays. Between the change of routine, weather and company, it’s a prime time to get sick or injured.
For instance, a type of harm that can easily be avoided is preventable injuries from car accidents. It’s possible that on long car trips, we might not want to buckle up because it’s uncomfortable. That’s especially true for older folks. There’s always the idea that we grew up without seatbelts and were fine. But slippery roads, drunk drivers and other hazards make it so that even the best drivers are in more danger than usual. Moreover, it is the law, and nothing puts a damper on fun than a ticket.
Another driving hazard is nighttime driving. Driving at night increases your risk of nodding off at the wheel. As we age, our nighttime vision degenerates, making driving riskier. Of course, if the weather is truly terrible, sometimes not making the trip — or find alternative transportation — is the best option. No one wants to miss the holidays, but skipping the journey can be safer.
Take frequent breaks while traveling. Getting up and walking helps prevent deep-vein thrombosis, potentially harmful blood clots. The clots form during long periods of sitting, be it in a plane, train or automobile. Speaking to your doctor is a must, they can tell you if there are any medical risks you should look out for during your journey.
You should also make sure you have a good-sized supply of any prescription drugs you take. You never know when the weather might extend your trip. You don’t want to be left without your medication. Be sure to talk to your doctor about when you should take them if you are leaving your normal time zone. A pill case can be an excellent addition to your trip. We all have our routines and, at home, it can be easy to tell if we’ve taken our medications as long as we take them at the same times and in the same places. But on the go, it can be much harder. A pill case can help you tell at a glance if you have.
Daily habits are also important to maintain and, in some cases, increase during both your travel and your visit. Washing your hands frequently is a must. We love seeing our grandchildren. But, as adorable as they are, they are also covered in germs! Hugs and kisses are great, but make sure your immune system is at its best. Though the holidays are fun, it’s essential to get plenty of sleep, drink water and not skip your vitamins or green vegetables — even if it means turning in before the party is over or passing on the extra spoonful of mashed potatoes!
Keeping up your healthy routines and making sure you take care of yourself will allow you to have a wonderful trip so you can catch up with friends and family without catching anything else!