A new study found that eating an avocado a day may improve overall diet quality. When people in the study ate an avocado daily, they made better food choices throughout the day.
We're celebrating avocados with delicious recipes that are perfect from breakfast to dinner and starter to dessert. We think you’ll love these fun, low-carb options that will help you branch out from guacamole!
Avocados are wonderful for health, but many of us only eat them as guacamole. For variety, we have four excellent recipes to help you eat more avocado in delicious low-carb ways!
Studies have shown that avocados can reduce cholesterol.
A study aimed to see how much avocado helped blood sugar. Women who ate avocados daily had a lower risk of blood sugar concerns. Men did not. But, men may have other risk factors.
While we enjoy avocados for their flavor, texture, health benefits and the way they fill us up, we are currently giving them a miss. They have been on sale recently, but we worry about safety.
Sometimes, you aren’t in the mood for a salad, but you still want something cold. We love gazpacho because it is a real meal, just one you can eat without breaking a sweat.
We are sharing four cold seafood dishes. They are perfect for dinner or lunch when you don’t need something to warm you up but still want something satisfying and delicious.
We have scoured the web looking for recipes that won’t derail your healthy lifestyle.
We are sharing four tasty smoothie recipes! These four drinks have no more than five grams of carbs, and the most calorific is only 223 calories!