Most of us think that allergies are something that crops up in childhood. But, according to Dr. Tolly Epstein, “it’s very common to develop new allergies” as adults.
The more a person is exposed to something, the more likely they are to develop an allergy. Spring keeps happening earlier and lasting longer, prolonging people’s exposure to pollen and mold spores. If you have had itchy eyes, sneezing and nasal congestion, you may have allergies instead of a cold. Other symptoms include headaches, fatigue and sinus pressure. An antihistamine might make you feel significantly better.
The pollen count is expected to break records in 39 states this year as the weather is warmer. Experts worry that allergy season could last into the fall months as they anticipate a wet summer that will cause spikes in pollen.
“About one-quarter of U.S. adults have been diagnosed with seasonal allergies, and nearly one in five children have seasonal allergies,” Alan Reppert, a senior meteorologist at AccuWeather. “Millions of people living with seasonal allergies will be struggling with more intense symptoms that will likely stick around longer this year in many areas.”
Tree pollen is the first allergen to hit, followed by grass, and finally, weed pollen. The cold blast of weather that the eastern half of the country got should delay their tree pollen. But, the Gulf Coast, Central Plains, Northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest may get slammed.
You can check out a quick cheat sheet here about what to expect and when. This list can help you identify what is making you ill.
If you are concerned about your health, contact your primary care physician. You should take your respiratory health seriously. While an OTC allergy med can help some people, it isn’t suitable for everyone. Some people need something stronger. Plus, it is possible to mistake a serious illness for allergies. Several illnesses are going around at the moment that won’t be helped by an antihistamine. Reviewing your symptoms with a healthcare professional will help them pinpoint the trouble and get you on the right course. It could be as simple as an OTC med or as complicated as a nebulizer treatment; either way, you’ll be glad you had the discussion when you’re breathing easy!