Our microbiome, the bacteria inside our intestines, starts to develop the moment we are born. It develops and changes as we age. It plays different roles at different points in our lives. During puberty, it is impacted by and impacts hormones. At the same time, as adults, it plays a role in metabolic and immune health.
As people age, the diversity in their microbiome can decrease. There can be a rise in more detrimental microbes that exacerbate inflammation and gut permeability.
If people maintain the microbial diversity in their gut as they age, they may improve their immune system and prevent age-related problems. Eating probiotic and prebiotic foods can help boost gut health. Regular exercise and a balanced diet help the gut stay healthy and diverse.
In studies, probiotic strains like Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus were linked to better immune function and reduced inflammation in older adults. The microbiome also plays a large role in our brains as we age, making it essential that we keep it healthy.
“The bad guys grow much faster than the good guys. The microbiome is very different in the people who are at high risk of developing dementia,” USF Institute for Microbiomes Neurosurgeon Hariom Yadav said. “Our hope is by offering or correcting the microbiome abnormalities early enough will delay or prevent the cognitive decline or dementia progress.”
Sugar, alcohol and high amounts of processed food can harm the gut. Eating plenty of whole foods and staying hydrated is beneficial.
The holidays can stress out your microbiome as well as the rest of your body. It’s important to take care of all of yourself while having fun! Eating fiber helps digestion and feeds the bacteria in the gut to keep them healthy and functioning well. It’s also vital not to overeat or stress the gut out. Allowing the gut time to digest prevents bloating and helps nutrient absorption. Eating probiotic and prebiotic foods can help combat the less healthy foods that are common this time of year. Plus, as much as we want to sit on the couch and watch a marathon of our favorite holiday movies, walking after a meal can aid digestion and boost gut health.
We love the holidays. But it’s essential to maintain gut health all year round. This study shows that gut health matters throughout our lives. To promote healthy aging, take care of your microbiome so it can take care of you!