There has been a viral health hack all over the internet. It started on TikTok, as many things do, but has now spread beyond the platform. Many people take their health advice wherever they can find it, especially if it’s easy to fit into their routine. While this new hack isn’t bad, it’s also not helpful.
People claim that a handful of raw spinach eaten first thing in the morning is beneficial. They say it helps them get more vegetables in their day and stops sugar cravings later.
The problem with this claim is that it takes two full measuring cups of raw spinach to equal a serving of vegetables. One handful may be beneficial if it helps you mentally start from a healthy point of view. But, nutritionally, it won’t make a dent in your daily needs.
“For a lot of people, having a healthy habit in the morning just mentally sets us up for success,” said registered dietician Dolores Woods.
Theresa Gentile, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics agreed, saying, “Some of this might be placebo effect, but it’s a healthy thing, so I’m not going to argue.”
People prone to kidney stones or who have kidney concerns may not want to eat high amounts of spinach. Compounds in the leafy green bind to calcium and other minerals and can lead to new kidney stones. Additionally, high levels of vitamin K in spinach may not be good for people on blood thinners. For most people, spinach is a great choice. We love it as a base for salad as it is far more nutritious than many other greens. It is rich in antioxidants, folate, iron, calcium, fiber and vitamins A, C and K.
Having a serving of veggies as part of your breakfast is a fantastic idea. A veggie omelet can be a wonderful way of combining vegetables and protein to start your morning!
While the internet claims the spinach has to be raw and unaltered for you to get the “max nutritional benefit boost,” that’s not true. You can cook it in an omelet or enjoy it in a smoothie if you’re interested in the trend. As spinach is notorious for shrinking when cooked, you will eat far more if it’s cooked, and it will blend down into a much smaller drink!
There are many videos of “instant regret” as people try the trend. We don’t usually eat raw, unaltered spinach. People don’t realize how crunchy and bitter it is if you eat an entire handful without any accompaniments. In a salad, there are other textures and flavors. When it’s cooked, it’s soft and less bitter.
If you would like to try this trend and have no medical reason not to, go for it. If you don’t have a medical concern related to spinach, it’s harmless. However, it may be an unpleasant experience and will not magically hack your brain.