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Does Red Light Aid Sleep?

Blue light suppresses melatonin, the sleep hormone. People thought red light may aid sleep because it’s at the other end of the spectrum. Newer research has shed "light" on the situation.

Five Last-minute Wellness Gifts They’ll Love

Christmas can be stressful. You can get down to the wire and miss someone off your gift list. It’s not too late to get everyone a gift. Here are five great last-minute wellness gifts anyone would be thrilled to receive!

How to Aid Sleep Naturally

While many view the end of daylight savings time to be a blessing — and are thrilled with the prospect of an extra hour of sleep — it can still be a hard adjustment.

A Good Night’s Sleep Makes the Flu Vaccine Stronger

If you want the best coverage the flu shot can give you, it’s crucial to get a good night’s sleep before receiving it. Not getting a good night’s sleep can make your flu vaccine ineffective. Your body may produce up to 50 percent less of the typical antibody response to the shot.

Reading Is Good for Health

Mental exercise also helps your physical health. Reading literally strengthens your brain. It helps the heart. It can aid longevity. And it can help your social life.

Pantry Staples to Help Sleep

Sleep is vital to good health. It impacts you both mentally and physically. We are looking at foods you probably have in your kitchen that can help you get a good night’s sleep.

Ways to Improve Sleep and Dreams

For the last year, people have been reporting poor sleep and weird dreams. The good news is that if you’re having these dreams and want them to stop, there are ways to help yourself.

How to Cut Down on Screen Time for Heart Health

Screen time can throw off your sleep patterns, which is essential for heart health. And it has been linked to high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Here are some of the best ways to cut down on screen time if you find yourself staring at your phone.

Four Light Italian Desserts

We’re taking a pass on high-carb and calorie-heavy biscotti, cannoli and zeppole to instead focus on some lighter Italian dessert recipes we love! These four recipes have fewer than 200 calories and no more than 10 grams of carbs.

Natural Light Aids Blood Sugar

Researchers say that spending more time outside can aid blood sugar levels. Metabolism and insulin resistance are both linked to a body’s internal clock. Daylight can, essentially, keep that clock ticking at the right speed.

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