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Aid Healthy Aging by Caring for Teeth

Healthy aging is something we all aim for as we get older. A routine of healthy habits appears to help. While exercise, diet and mental stimulation come to mind as ways to ease aging, you might not think of dental health.

Is Mouthwash Hurting Your Blood Pressure?

A new TikTok rumor is that mouthwash can raise blood pressure or hypertension. While that sounds sensationalist, there have actually been studies at least as far back as 2017 that back up the claim.

Most Popular OTC Decongestant Doesn’t Work

When stuffed up, most of us reach for an over-the-counter decongestant. But it turns out that the most popular oral decongestant in the country doesn’t work.

Protect Your Teeth to Help Your Blood

All of us, but especially people seeking to normalize their blood sugar, should look after our teeth.

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Wrong?

Most of us brush our teeth and move on. But a lot of us are messing up the last step! If you rinse your mouth with water after brushing, you are undoing some of the work you did.

Visiting the Dentist in the Time of COVID-19

October is Dental Hygiene Month, and we wanted to look at what oral health looks like in the time of COVID-19. How do you take care of yourself, and how are dentists keeping you safe?

The Tongue is a Window to The Heart

New research shows that the appearance of your tongue and the microbiome on your tongue may be an indicator of heart health. That could mean that a simple tongue scraping with a stainless steel spoon could allow doctors to screen for heart failure.

Mouthwash Won’t Stop You from Catching COVID-19: Here’s the Science

A study has been making the rounds that say mouthwash is the secret to stopping the spread of COVID-19. But few scientists stand by it other than the people who did the research. The proof is flimsy.

Trendy “Soda” Is Bad for Teeth

People are calling balsamic vinegar mixed with sparkling water “healthy Coke.” The slight sweetness of balsamic vinegar can pair with sparkling water to make an interesting drink. But, it’s terrible for teeth.

How to Get More Fluoride to Your Teeth

When you think of fluoride and oral health, you probably think of the fluoride added to tap water. But, why should you care about fluoride in the first place, and what are the best sources of this compound?

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