
Four Radish Recipes to Salivate Over this Spring

We love spring vegetables. Eating what’s in season is the best way to add variety to your diet. You change what you’re eating throughout the year as the calendar changes. It works so well, and it takes less effort than plotting out how to shift things on your own.

Radishes are a wonderful, underutilized spring vegetable. A half a cup of radishes has only nine calories, two grams of carbs and one gram of fiber! They are rich in many vitamins and nutrients, including calcium, vitamin C, potassium, iron folate and more! You should enjoy them while they are in season because it’s also when they are cheapest in the supermarket! Here are four great recipes to grace your table with this spring.

Easy Feta and Radish Salad


We know it’s still snowing in parts of the country, but other places are heating up, and salads are back on the menu! This refreshing salad pairs feta’s tanginess with green onions, lemon ginger dressing and peppery radishes to be a big hit. It’s perfect for a light lunch or as a side dish at dinner time! A serving has 185 calories, five grams of carbs and 4.1 grams of fiber. Get the recipe.

“Potato” Salad


There are so many types of potato salads. You can have them creamy, or with oil and herbs or with a vinaigrette. But, if you have blood sugar concerns, you probably always give them a miss. Not anymore! This “potato” salad uses boiled radishes to cut down on the carbs and add a little kick while still keeping the right texture! This creamy salad is perfect for any outdoor potluck or barbecue you might go to this spring or summer. A serving has 51 calories, 5.1 grams of carbs and 2.3 grams of fiber. Get the recipe.

Roasted Radishes


Most of us use radishes in salads. But, they can be subbed-in in most root vegetable recipes. When roasted, their texture softens, and their flavor mellows. They are an excellent substitution for roasted potatoes without all the carbs! Roasting is one of our favorite ways to cook veggies, as caramelization makes everything taste a little sweeter. The seasoning mix for this is easy. You probably have everything in your kitchen already, so you’ll only have to buy the radishes! We love this simple side dish! A serving has 92 calories, six grams of carbs and three grams of fiber. Get the recipe.

Spring Pea and Radish Salad


This side salad is excellent because it can be served warm or cool, making it great for a normal dinner, making ahead or bringing to a party! We love that it combines two spring veggies and green beans that are available all year round into one dish. It’s a delicious way to get a lot of vegetables onto your plate! The recipe calls for two tablespoons of honey. You can replace it with another liquid sweetener if you prefer. But, overall, the recipe is low in carbs, so you might not feel the need to; that is wholly up to you. It won’t make too much of a difference per serving. A serving has 50 calories, 11 grams of carbs and two grams of fiber. Get the recipe.

We hope these recipes inspire you to eat more radishes this season. Radishes are a delicious vegetable that rarely get as much praise as they deserve. Once you start eating them, you might find they become a staple in your kitchen this season!

Banner image: Laura McCormac via Pexels

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