We love it when people find new ways to add hydration to their day. Most of us don’t drink enough water. We love water-dense foods and water bottles with lines that indicate how much we have drank.
When we first heard about the raw water movement, we assumed it was about staying hydrated. We thought people were talking about living “raw” and being in the moment by staying hydrated. But we have learned that it is different and potentially more dangerous.
“To me, it feels more alive,” said Samantha Reich, an untreated water drinker.
People who drink untreated water call it “raw water.” They want mineral-rich water. Drinking water from taps has been purified to be safe to drink. They believe that makes tap water less healthy.
The trend alarms health experts. Ms. Reich is right; untreated water is alive with parasites and bacteria, along with toxic substances that are filtered out at water treatment plants before it’s piped to homes.
Raw water enthusiasts aren’t satisfied with bottled spring water. They drive hours to get to springs, fill up 50-gallon jugs and drive home again. One raw water drinker claims it makes his dreams more vivid and has improved his immune system.
Prof. Randy Dahlgren of UC Davis said springs are safer than rivers or other natural water sites as they come from deep underground, and the soil acts as a filter. He added that it might not contain forever chemicals and microplastic as some tap water does. However, he warned that pesticides from farms can be a danger. And, soil can contain arsenic, e. coli and salmonella.
“The idea that ‘just because something is natural is automatically good for you’ is inherently flawed,” said Daniel McCurry, a water quality expert at the Univ. of Southern California. “There’s all kind of stuff that’s perfectly natural that can make you very sick.”
While chicken is a healthy form of protein, raw chicken isn’t safe. The same can be said of some water. Some raw water enthusiasts prefer rainwater rather than spring water. That may seem like a safer option. But you must ensure your catchment containers are clean and monitor your air quality. You can breed bacteria before that water ever reaches your lips.
If you are concerned about the safety of your drinking water, a filter from your supermarket is a cheaper way to get clean water than spending gasoline and time driving to a spring constantly. If you are explicitly concerned about fluoride, water filters are made for that. But they are slightly more niche and you usually have to go online to find them.
When you consider the price of gas and your time driving to a spring, buying spring water at the store may be more effective. You may wonder what the difference is. Spring water at the store has been filtered for bacteria and contaminants but still contains minerals. You are getting more than what’s in tap water but less of the dangerous stuff than what’s potentially coming out of nature.
“When we go buy a bottle of spring water from the store, it’s been thoroughly tested,” said registered dietitian Gillian Culbertson. “As long as the company is following the standards they’re supposed to, it’s safe to drink.”
We want people to stay safe as they hydrate this year. It’s essential you feel comfortable with what you put in your body. But when you get it from nature, sometimes you can’t know what it is.