Our microbiome starts to develop the moment we are born. It impacts many aspects of health. A new study found that it may also influence how long you live and how healthily you age.
Researchers found the molecular basis for yo-yo dieting. Obesity causes genetic changes within fat cells, creating stored “memories” in the cells, and the cells try to return to that state.
The Blue Zone of the world where people live to be 100 or older may be a hoax. However, many of the lifestyle habits from the Blue Zones are beneficial to health and shouldn’t be ignored!
In the U.S., a kidney must be harvested within an hour of a donor’s heart stopping. In the UK, the guideline is up to three hours. A study found the UK's rule is safe and could increase available kidneys globally.
People with neuropathy who received a combination of physical therapy and red light therapy experienced less pain and better sleep ten weeks after treatment. It worked best for people with intense pain.
Fish oil may lower the risk of developing cancer. In addition to aiding cholesterol, brain health and mood, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have been linked to lower rates of more than 17 cancers.
A person lives to be 100, and newspapers rush to ask them for their secrets. But, scientists believe that advice like this may not be as helpful as it seems. It's advice you might want to ignore.
A researcher may have learned how people in the blue zones live so long: it might be a lie. Over 400,000 people are claiming dead people's pensions and many claiming to be centenarians can't prove their age.
The clock changing can be hard on your system. It will happen early Sunday morning. Start going to bed later by 15 minutes each night starting tonight. That will make it less of an adjustment.
A study found that standing for long times doesn’t lower the risk of heart disease or stroke. Sitting and standing were linked to a risk of varicose veins and blood pressure concerns.
To take the pressure off your New Year’s resolution, start it this month. If you are a person who thrives on a mission statement, replace New Year’s Eve and Day with Halloween and All Saints’ Day.
October is the season of scary movie marathons. If you like scaring yourself, there might be a biological reason. Watching scary movies can actually be good for your health.
A study is trying to determine if phone games can improve cognition the way they promise they can. The results have been inconclusive. However, there are some known benefits to the games.
Older people may benefit from creatine as it may combat muscle loss that can be a part of aging. It may also prevent post-meal blood sugar spikes. But it isn't right for everyone.
A study found that 85 percent of black plastic cooking utensils and takeout containers contain recycled plastic with fireproof chemicals linked to cancer and other medical problems.
Iron deficiency is very rarely life-threatening. However, it significantly impacts a person’s quality of life. A new study found as many as one in three adults have an iron deficiency.
Rapamycin is used to help prevent organ rejection in transplant recipients. It is now being touted as the most promising anti-aging drug. It has been effective in animal studies.
Neuliven Health is thrilled to announce that Glucocil is now available in a vegetarian capsule form. And don’t worry: our original softgel isn’t going anywhere!
New work suggests that night owls are almost 50 percent more likely to develop blood sugar concerns than folks who go to bed earlier. But there may be ways to lower the risk.
Every fall, there is a new flu shot. It’s vital to read about your options, consider your health concerns, and make the right choice regarding when and if you should get seasonal vaccines.