The FDA has approved the first over-the-counter continuous glucose monitoring system. It is intended for adults with or without blood sugar concerns who don’t use insulin.
According to a study, sleeping less than six hours a night raises the risk of developing serious blood sugar concerns. Even if people eat a healthy diet, the odds remain elevated.
New research has found a link between gut bacteria and inherited eye disease. This find could lead to antimicrobial treatments that could save people’s visions.
A new study has found that boiling tap water can destroy at least 80 percent of the three most common plastics found in water. That makes it safer than bottled water.
Inhaling a scent can delay the development of cancer, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. Inhalable preventative medication may be coming closer to reality.
Niacin, or vitamin B3, is added to some foods and can be taken as a supplement. People with high levels of it in their blood may be at a higher risk for heart attacks or strokes.
Two studies examined how Ozempic impacts the outcome of hip replacement surgery. One found that it may improve the outcome for some people and lower infections.
Many people set weight loss goals each year. We have lofty goals. But, losing five to 10 percent of your body weight can greatly improve your health.
Headlines claim February is the best time for a New Year's resolution. But we've also seen claims that June, September and December are best for resolutions. What's the truth?
When you’re sick, you want to sleep and ignore the world. Something you can’t ignore is your blood sugar. Being ill with a simple cold can wreak havoc on your blood sugar.
Last year, Apple said they aimed to make a noninvasive blood sugar tracker. Now, Samsung has announced its hopes to make a noninvasive blood sugar and continuous blood pressure monitor.
A study found that, around the world, people experience music the same way inside their bodies. How our bodies interpret music can be used therapeutically to help blood sugar health.
A new study found that 17.7 percent of people gained the weight they lost back after they stopped taking Ozempic. And, 56.2 percent of people kept all the weight off and continued to lose weight.
A study looked at how multivitamins impact aging adults. It used 573 people over the age of 60 and found strong evidence that a daily multivitamin can help cognition and slow memory loss.
People with blood sugar concerns know how important it is to take care of themselves to stay healthy. However, they may not realize that blood sugar levels can impact vision.
People think the best way to approach the day is to tackle as many jobs as possible before eleven so that they feel accomplished. But science shows that a slower morning might be better.
If you have constant fatigue, it could be more than just the hustle and bustle that’s wearing you down. Up to 68 percent of people with blood sugar concerns have fatigue.
Getting your hearing checked can be an excellent way to boost your health this January. Wearing hearing aids can prevent an early death, according to a new study.
Less daylight leads to lower levels of serotonin. More than 40 percent of us struggle with depressive symptoms in the winter. But there are ways to overcome them.
It’s easy to get bogged down and stressed during the holidays. Taking time out over the holidays to recenter yourself and reflect on your feelings and the things and people who give your life meaning is essential.