Studies have found that sleeping pills don’t help in the long run. That can make you second guess earplugs. While many people use earplugs to get a good night’s sleep, are they helpful and safe?
The standard American diet or “SAD” is packed full of processed foods, sugar and meat.
When it comes to preventative measures for heart health, folks change their diets, exercise and lifestyle. But small changes can make a difference too! One thing you can do today, easily without causing any significant changes: drink more water.
We always say that obsessing over a perfect diet isn’t healthy for most people. However, if you are looking to cut sugar out of your diet, logging what you are eating might be a helpful tool to help you cut back!
Making improvements in your lifestyle and following your medical regime from your doctor can add more than seven years to your life after a heart attack. The problem is, most people don’t make improvements in their health.
With all of the regulations and different rules, you might feel travel is too complicated right now. Our team has been having day trips and short summer vacations, and we have some firsthand tips for you to enjoy your time more.
Our metabolism slows down in middle age. Men have a faster metabolism than women. Women’s slow down even more after menopause. Right? Wrong, according to a massive study that many call groundbreaking.
Scientists have found that signal patterns in the brain linked to the formation of memories also impact metabolism. Whenever they saw “sharp wave ripples,” they would see decreases in blood sugar.
According to research, we spend nearly half our time thinking of something other than what we are doing. While daydreaming might not seem like a bad thing, the researchers concluded that we would be happier if we were more present in the moment.
The idea of a fecal transplant might sound off-putting, but there are times when it’s necessary. New animal research has found that it can reverse brain aging in mice.
Some people are still hesitant or uninterested in getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Others are interested in receiving a booster because of the new, more transmissible strains. But, public health experts are advising people to wait.
While coffee is great and offers blood sugar benefits, it’s not the best way to start your day. When you wake up, what you should reach for to start your day off right is a glass of water.
The Delta variant of COVID-19 spreads 55 percent more quickly than the original and is in all 50 states. How should you judge your risk factors, and what precautions should you personally be taking to protect yourself?
If you feel like the heat waves are stressing you out, it’s not in your head. Hot weather can put physical stress on your body that turns into mental strain.
Getting a good night’s sleep is imperative to enjoying your day, having your body function well and almost every aspect of your health. According to new research, mindfulness training can improve sleep quality and reduce episodes of insomnia.
If you are looking for ways to protect your health without getting a shot, boosting your immune system is always a good choice. New research shows drinking coffee may boost the immune system and prevent COVID-19 infections.
For years, doctors have known that poor sleep harms cholesterol levels. Now, new research has reinforced our understanding of the link between poor sleep and bad heart health.
Sunscreens can be filled with harmful chemicals and not deliver the results they promise. Thankfully, the Environmental Working Group has published the 15th Annual Guide to Sunscreens to help you pick one that is right for you.
More than 61 percent of Americans admit to binge-watching. And, the majority of binge-watchers are consuming 30 hours of TV in a week. It's unhealthy but there are easy ways to break the habit.
Trying to cram too many things into one season may suck the fun out of it and leave you feeling exhausted and more stressed out than before. Here are tips to have a great summer without stress.