There are many ways to improve your sleep. However, the importance of a mattress that is right for you is rarely discussed. It can be hard to know when your mattress is to blame for bad sleep, but your body can give you signs beyond a poor night’s sleep.
Many of us don’t enjoy exercise; it’s a difficult task that takes up time and bores some people. So, what can make it more enjoyable? Making it about playing and togetherness.
This summer, researchers introduced the world to that they call the “highly satiating diet.” The diet claims to be nonrestrictive. It preaches sticking to foods that fill you up. Is it real or just a summer fling?
It can be hard, when you’re getting bombarded with new health advice weekly, to know what’s real and what’s a gimmick.
Scientists create new weight loss option.
New research has shown that eating early in the day may be best as it will lower a person’s appetite. This is the first study that shows how meal timing impacts the 24-hour energy metabolism when the amount of food and meal frequency are matched
A piece of long-accepted proactive health advice may be wrong: instead of helping your heart, aspirin may be detrimental to your body. A showed that prophylactic aspirin might do more harm than good for many people.
Society tells us that aging is unpleasant. However, research shows that simply isn’t true. While it’s hard to study something internal and subjective, poll-after-poll, year-after-year, they have seen the same results: older people are happier than younger people.
At the end of a long day, making a healthy meal is beyond many people. But, there are ways to prevent it. Thinking ahead when you’re feeling refreshed and perky stops you from suffering later.
Our attitudes about aging may impact stress levels and how we handle that stress. Older people who see aging in a negative way have stronger emotional and physical reactions to routine stress than people who are more positive about aging. The positive people are also less likely to die young or be hospitalized.
Garlic has always been known to have medicinal purposes. The father of Medicine, <a href="" target="_blank" title="history of garlic" rel="noopener noreferrer">Hippocrates, even prescribed it to his patients</a>. In more modern times, holistic medicine embraced garlic as a health treatment before scientists got involved and did research that found that garlic does, indeed, have health benefits.
T cells, known as killer cells, can gather in older brains and hamper the production of new nerve cells. These T cells should not be in the brain at all. The brain has “nerve cell nurseries” when T cells infiltrate these nurseries, they secrete a chemical that stops new cell production. Stopping this could aid healthy aging.
If you are trying to start a healthier lifestyle and are looking to move away from soda, juice or coffee altogether, fruit-infused water might be right for you! Having a drink with negligible calories, but a sweet taste, can help you cool off, stay hydrated and avoid eating something more sugar-heavy.
Some studies have shown that aloe vera lowers cholesterol.
Four customers in New York state are bringing a class action lawsuit against the cereal giant Kellogg Company.
The microbiome of bacteria living in the human gut has a profound impact on health.
There is some good news for those of us that don’t bounce out of bed the minute the alarm goes off.
Study shows the more frequently people did puzzles, the better their cognition.