There are so many questions are around sunscreen. Are lotions, sticks, sprays and powders all effective? If your moisturizer has sunscreen do you need more? Can sunscreen go bad? We are clearing up the confusion!
A study found that Ozempic slowed the progression of chronic kidney disease in people with blood sugar concerns. It also lowered the risk of heart problems, kidney failure and death.
Research has found that up to 70 percent of people who have COPD or asthma may be unaware of their problem. Receiving treatment can dramatically improve a person’s quality of life.
In March, we announced that a man had received a genetically modified kidney from a pig. Sadly, he has died from unrelated causes. However, his contributions to medicine will be remembered.
Neuropathy is both very common and underdiagnosed. Fewer than 20 percent of people with neuropathy are diagnosed. People with blood sugar concerns are at higher risk.
A new study has figured out the perfect balance between rest and activity for health. The optimum balance was found to help blood sugar levels and heart health.
If you frequently suffer from headaches or migraines you’ve probably looked for the source of your problem. A new study suggests it might be how you treat your heartburn.
If food is not properly stored and reheated, it can have dangerous consequences. A 23-year-old woman was left paralyzed from eating leftover soup.
When the thermometer rises outside, there is a spike in people visiting the ER with kidney problems. The days are heating up, and we think it’s essential to revisit the topic of kidney health.
People have asked if OTC nasal sprays are addictive. Some are habit-forming and shouldn't be taken for more than three days for safety. Most can be used daily to fight allergies.
Researchers want to examine whether metformin can fight age-related cancers, heart disease and cognitive decline. The drug’s anti-inflammatory nature may also slow the effects of aging.
Most of us brush our teeth and move on. But a lot of us are messing up the last step! If you rinse your mouth with water after brushing, you are undoing some of the work you did.
Dehydration can lead to headaches and more severe consequences. On the flip side, a new survey found that hydration may be the key to more daily happiness.
Small things can have large impacts on our bodies. A woman visited a salon to straighten her hair and received kidney damage that mystified doctors until they looked at the hair cream.
Many believe the best way to deal with negative emotions is to funnel the energy into exercise. A review of 154 studies shows that physical activity isn’t the best way to feel better.
Today is National Triglycerides Day. High levels of triglycerides are linked to blood sugar concerns. It’s a good day to make an appointment to learn your numbers.
A man with end-stage kidney disease is doing well after receiving a genetically modified kidney from a pig. He has blood sugar concerns and previously had a kidney from a human donor.
A study has found that vaping and smoking cause similar DNA changes. While that doesn’t mean that vaping is as dangerous as smoking, it shows vaping may have more dangers than known.
There are “hacks” devised by scientists that can train you to be happier. The only catch is that you have to stick with them. It’s like exercise: you must keep doing it to stay healthy.
A genetically modified cow produces human insulin in its milk. The insulin people currently use is also genetically engineered. This may solve the insulin supply problem.