Pfizer and BioNTech have announced that their vaccine prevented 90 percent of the people who received it from getting COVID-19. It might get emergency approval by the end of the month.
A new study has found that one spouse’s negative outlook can damage both people’s health. If a wife is pessimistic about her aging, her husband is more likely to suffer from physical problems. A husband’s negative outlook can leave a wife with higher levels of depression.
We’ve heard about people’s difficult recovery periods as they get over COVID-19. Researchers are now trying to clarify if the “brain fog” people experience is brain aging or PTSD.
When looking for “health hacks,” many of us first turn to common sense. But sometimes, what seems intuitive is incorrect. For instance, you would think that a sauna might be bad for a person with heart health concerns, but research has shown the opposite.
The clock change marks the season in a way that has been missing this year more than most. Now, the different light and clocks are tangible signs of the change. Here's another thing you should change: the batteries in your smoke detector.
We usually love Thanksgiving. This year it’s all different. Canada’s Thanksgiving, the second Monday in October, might be an unfortunate cautionary tale we can learn from. Indoor parties have led to record high cases in some parts of the country.
Many people who are at higher risk for COVID-19 have been extremely cautious. But, it's hard to avoid grocery shopping. And, a study says, up to 20 percent of grocery store employees may have COVID-19 and be unaware they are spreading it.
When you spend time worrying about the past and future, you can wear yourself down. Living more in the present can help you relax more. A study using nurses has found the exact sweet spot of extra minutes a night you need to live in the moment.
In a study of COVID-19 patients, people who took aspirin were 44 percent less likely to be put on a ventilator, 43 percent less likely to be put in the ICU and 47 percent less likely to die in the hospital.
Researchers are looking for proven treatments for COVID-19. In May, the drug remdesivir was authorized for emergency use. Now, the FDA has approved it as it cuts recovery time from COVID-19 by an average of five days.
A study has been making the rounds that say mouthwash is the secret to stopping the spread of COVID-19. But few scientists stand by it other than the people who did the research. The proof is flimsy.
October is Dental Hygiene Month, and we wanted to look at what oral health looks like in the time of COVID-19. How do you take care of yourself, and how are dentists keeping you safe?
If you want the best coverage the flu shot can give you, it’s crucial to get a good night’s sleep before receiving it. Not getting a good night’s sleep can make your flu vaccine ineffective. Your body may produce up to 50 percent less of the typical antibody response to the shot.
If you feel like we are living in crazy times right now, you’re right! And, taking time to unwind, breathe out and relax actually helps you be better at getting through the rest of your day.
Not all sweeteners are created equal. Some are not metabolized the same way as sugar, but that is not marked on packaging. Some are not even marked as being sweeteners on the list of ingredients. Now, the FDA is considering making a change.
Some Cottonelle flushable wipes have been recalled as they may have been contaminated with bacteria. There's a website and phone number you can call to check products you've bought.
People who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder know that it can be brutal in an average year. As the days get shorter and colder, your mental health suffers. This year, with COVID-19, the problem is expected to impact more people and more severely.
October is Vegetarian Month. Vegetarianism is known to have health benefits. Fruits and veggies are packed with nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. Interestingly, vegetarianism seems to have some pros and cons when it comes to heart health.
A Nevada man is the first person in the U.S. to be confirmed as having COVID-19 for a second time. And, unfortunately, the man’s second battle with COVID-19 was much worse than his first.
According to a new report, one in four Americans aren’t washing their hands frequently enough. As research has found that COVID-19 can live on skin for up to nine hours, experts say we may need more PSAs.