Many people look forward to hunting season. It can be a big mood-lifter to get out into nature and feel accomplished when they can bring meat home. There are many health boons to hunting as well.
Black Friday is an enjoyable tradition. However, there are significant drawbacks. Perhaps the most significant pitfalls are the health challenges the day presents.
There’s excellent news for folks who always look on the bright side of life. According to an analysis of 15 studies, people with an optimistic outlook are far less likely to die from heart problems than pessimists.
In preparation for the cold months to come, we are looking at the health risks winter can pose to the heart. Snow may look pretty, but extended periods outside can be hazardous.
We hear so many tips and suggestions for how to get through the holidays. People may tell you to skip meals and save calories for the main event. We disagree. So do experts.
During the winter, it can be tough to get enough vitamin D. We synthesize vitamin D from ultraviolet-B light from the sun hitting our skin. So, how do you get vitamin D when you're wearing a coat?
Around the holidays, stress can mount up: with gatherings of family and friends, shopping, planning and organizing. Having fun can be an awful lot of work. Today, we want to take a look at some of the ways stress can harm us and some ways to mitigate it.
When e-cigarettes first hit the market, people were hesitant but hopeful that they could make a difference. Over the years, doctors have been pleased with the results. However, new research may give you a solid reason to stop vaping.
We don’t usually talk about sugar in relation to cholesterol. While our minds almost instantly go to fatty foods as a dietary contributor, different types of food can impact our cholesterol levels as well — sugar being one of them.
Your heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood a day. When blood is thick, your heart must pump faster to compensate for the blood’s decreased volume. Additionally, that condensed blood holds more salt than usual. Dehydration has been linked to high cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of stroke or heart attack.
The American Heart Association has long said that stress impacts the heart because it can alter many contributing factors in heart disease, such as blood pressure levels. Unsurprisingly, new research has found that stress caused by a negative work-life balance does damage to the heart — especially for women.
We all know that cholesterol can cause problems for heart health. But did you know that high levels of cholesterol can be harmful to your eyes? The good news about all this is that an eye exam can not only see how your vision is but also spot if you have high cholesterol.
Healthy aging is something we all aim for as we get older. A routine of healthy habits appears to help. While exercise, diet and mental stimulation come to mind as ways to ease aging, you might not think of dental health.
There’s a trend on the raise for starting off the day with a glass of celery juice. Celery has many beneficial nutrients, but will it help your health the way people say?
Some people swear by naps. Whether you don’t sleep well at night or if you find a little shuteye helps your afternoon, many people see a benefit. But, in addition to clearing your mind, naps have been associated with better heart health.
In a trial, participants took three drugs — a growth hormone, a hormone supplement and Metformin — in an attempt to regenerate the thymus gland. The study found that the mix of drugs did aid the thymus gland; it also revealed that the participants had “de-aged.”
We hear a lot about eating local. Eating local is good for the environment, your community and your health. But, it can be challenging to do. And, it can be expensive. Here's how to make it easy!
Research has shown that as little as 10 minutes a day can have serious health benefits. Additionally, studies have quantified how much smaller amounts help our bodies.
Pumpkin spice an autumnal flavor that is comforting and warm. The Neuliven team is located in San Diego, CA, where it will be in the 80s all week, we don’t think it’s fall yet! But, we wanted to take a look at this staple of the upcoming season and learn if the spice mix has health benefits.
Water has many benefits. Including the fact that it can aid weight loss. There is no one simple reason why water supports health and your waistline. It's a complex combination of factors.