Major companies got failing grades for containing toxic chemicals according to the annual report called “Who’s Minding the Store? A Report Card on Retailer Actions to Eliminate Toxic Chemicals.”
Merck has yet to produce an effective vaccine against COVID-19, but they are seeing good results with an antiviral drug. They are currently in the second phase of their trial of molnupiravir and are pleased with their results.
For the last year, people have been reporting poor sleep and weird dreams. The good news is that if you’re having these dreams and want them to stop, there are ways to help yourself.
Some people who want a vaccine are hesitant because of a fear of needles. Now, WHO’s chief scientist has said that six to eight vaccines might be ready by the end of the year, and some of them won’t require an injection!
A study has confirmed that speaking to plants makes them grow better. It also found that it boosts the person's health as well! And, the more plants a person has, the better their health is.
After last year, many people have reevaluated their plans for the future and are looking at aging in place instead of entering nursing homes. But, they might need home renovations and plans to make that possible.
In the wee hours of Sunday morning, we will spring forward an hour. This yearly switch is damaging to heart health and your safety. That's why you should start making changes now to ease into it by Sunday morning.
The CDC released new safety guidelines and announced some great news. People who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can gather inside without masks. They also don't need masks when with one unvaccinated, low-risk family. Get ready to hug family again!
We have three COVID-19 vaccines that the FDA has approved for emergency use in the U.S.: Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer. Many people have opinions about which one is the best; we're taking a closer look at the three to pick a winner.
More and more states are changing their rules on what can and can’t be open. It’s dizzying and frustrating to watch as ordinary people. When you see it in the news, it can make it harder to make choices. How should you decide what’s best for you?
Some foods can be more addictive than drugs. A lot of food producers exploit this. A new book explores “the unholy trinity” of fat, salt and sugar. These three substances release the hormone dopamine that brings pleasure to your brain.
Being lonely poses a medical threat. It increases your risk for early death, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even your chance of getting a cold! But, a new study has found that just talking on the phone for 10 minutes can be a huge help!
COVID-19 has taken 500,000 lives in the U.S. The death rate is decreasing, and new cases are falling, but the threat still looms. But, people are doing their part to follow safety guidelines, and vaccine makers are ramping up production.
Body positivity promotes the idea that every person’s body is beautiful. Body neutrality moves away from that and toward thinking your body is doing its job of letting you live your life. It may be a healthier way to think.
More contagious variants of COVID-19 are on the rise, but new case numbers are dropping. Possibly because of people being more careful. If you are interested in the recent trend of double masking, there are wrong ways and right ways to do it.
Red light therapy uses red low-level wavelengths of light to treat skin issues like scars, wrinkles and wounds that won’t heal. People also claim it works for weight loss and other problems. It’s controversial. But does it work?
Whether you’re with your loved ones or not, Valentine’s Day might be one of the heart healthiest holidays to celebrate! And, it falls right in the middle of American Heart Month.
Sometimes we want an easy meal. Store-cooked rotisserie chickens are so attractive. They’re hot, ready, smell amazing, and they’re often cheaper than raw chicken. But are they healthy enough to deserve a place at your table?
Some states are seeing lower rates of new cases of COVID-19 and are reopening indoor dining even though experts say it isn't safe. It can leave you unsure of what your plans should be. We're taking a look at the pros and cons.
Novavax’s vaccine is 90 percent effective against the most common strain of COVID-19 we have here in the U.S. But it’s only 50 percent effective against the quickly spreading South African variant.