While we know a healthy microbiome is essential, we’re still learning how to take care of it. A new study in mice has suggested that pain nerves in the gut play a prominent role.
For an everyday boost and to add a bit of bounce to your step, romanticizing your life can be beneficial. That’s because romanticizing your life can be a form of mindfulness.
Angela Lansbury passed this week. Her advice for a long life doesn't fit everyone's health needs. But, her life philosophy of self-love, a healthy diet and an exercise routine does.
A new TikTok rumor is that mouthwash can raise blood pressure or hypertension. While that sounds sensationalist, there have actually been studies at least as far back as 2017 that back up the claim.
Doing yoga in the morning, before you get out of bed, can help you get ready for the day. Taking a moment to breathe and ease into the day reduces anxiety and helps you get a great beginning.
Everyone has heard of Dry January. Recently there has been a push for Sober October. People are reevaluating their relationship with alcohol and seem to be testing their limits of sobriety.
A monoclonal antibody treatment for Alzheimer’s disease called lecanemab slowed the progression of cognitive decline by 27 percent compared with a placebo in a new clinical trial.
Ranking one action as worse than another for health is complex. But, new research found that being lonely and unhappy speeds up aging more than smoking.
A task force believes anxiety screenings should be part of people’s annual physicals. Folks regularly go as long as 23 years experiencing physiological symptoms of anxiety without being diagnosed.
People often think being a night owl or a morning bird is a personality quirk. But, a new study has found that night owls are more likely to have heart disease and blood sugar concerns.
According to a three-year randomized clinical trial with more than 2,200 older adults, cocoa extract has no impact on cognition, but taking a daily multivitamin can slow decline.
New research shows blood type might count for more than just a transfusion. People with blood types that aren’t O have a higher risk for heart health problems.
Neurostimulators claim to help people feel significantly less pain caused by peripheral neuropathy related to blood sugar. However, not all experts believe that there is strong evidence that they work.
There is a certain level of stigma around medical alert systems. But, 86 percent of people who have them have used them, making them an incredible tool.
Inflammation impacts cell health and has been linked to insulin resistance. New research shows that using anti-inflammatory pain killers and steroids may give people short-term benefits but long-term chronic pain.
A new study has found that exercise alone cannot overcome the effects of a poor diet. High physical activity levels cannot undo the harm a bad diet has on mortality risks.
We’ve all heard that when you can’t sleep, you should just stay still in bed. But, lying in bed for 15 to 20 minutes can train your brain to associate your bed with sleeplessness and is linked to chronic insomnia.
A study gave participants a placebo, B6 or B12 and then tracked a chemical that blocks stress. People taking B6 had significantly higher levels of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid and felt less anxious and depressed.
We hear so many studies about how alcohol aids health that it’s easy to think it’s universally true. But, according to a new study, no amount of alcohol should be considered healthy for people under the age of 40.
America is at a critical infection point for heart and metabolic health. Less than seven percent of adults in a large survey had good cardiometabolic health, and the rate is heading downward.